Hirsi Ali from Engelsberg to Aspen Dutch again
Late june 28 - 30 Dutch Muslim feminist Ayaan Hirsi Ali joins CEOs, venture capitalists, technologists, and nonprofit leaders at the "life in a connected world" FORTUNE 2006 Brainstorm conference Aspen, Colorado in partnership with the Aspen Institute.
The Somali-born Dutch former MP and critic of Islam, is to be allowed to keep her passport and nationality and the Balkenende II Administration of the Netherlands has fallen as a direct result of this Prime Minister's and members of Cabinet approving minister Verdonk to outlaw a chosen member of the house of representitives of the people of the States General of the Netherlands.
Staatssecretaris Medy van der Laan (Media) from the D66 fragment of the CDA VVD coalition found herself in a plane from Schiphol to Jakarta when the government resigned. Bij een tussenstop in Kuala Lumpur, regende het sms’jes op Van der Laans mobiel: crisis! "Ik dacht: Ho! Dit zou toch niet gebeuren? Maar het was helemaal mis"
From the official government.nl Web Site AHA did receive dutch nationality 'Ms Hirsi Ali was entitled to use the name Ayaan Hirsi Ali because her father's father had received the name Ali at birth and acquired the name Magan only later. She was mistaken in saying that she had lied about her identity.' Ms Hirsi Ali was also permitted to use the name because it was also borne by two other forefathers.Ex MP´s grandfather born Ali used this name for twenty years before changing it to Magan so by Somalian name rules she has always been entitited to it. Now Verdonk says this identifies Ayaan as being the one and only Hirsi Ali.
NRC Handelsblad 27 juni page 3 second column line 2 reads "Hirsi Ali left last weekend to America where she starts at a conservative thinktank". Am. Entp. Inst. not mentioned. AEI is also African Education Institute.
After Ayaan signed monday a text made by the Dutch State Verdonk made the letter demanded by parlement after being outlawed by the Balkenende Cabinet that Hirsi Ali would keep her passport. With these questions about her status removed she can aquire after 6 weeks of waiting
a visum for the States since her job at the Enterprise Intitute in Washionton starts september.
On 16 june Ayaan attended a Muslim pundits clash over future of Islam in Europe seminar in Engelsberg Sweden with Tariq Ramadan the grandson of the Egypian Siad Ramadan who had dinner at the White House with Eisenhower in september 1953 and wrote strongly against mixed dancing of whites and blacks during his pre in Amerika.
It's no exaggeration to say that Siad Ramadan is the ideological grandfather of Osama bin Laden. But Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood, and their Islamist allies might never have been able to plant the seeds that sprouted into Al Qaeda had they not been treated as U.S. allies during the Cold War and had they not received both overt and covert support from Washington; Ramadan himself, documents suggest, was recruited as an asset by the CIA. Same as the CIA base man in Afganistan Usama.
During the summer of 1953 there happened to be an unusually large number of distinguished Muslim scholars in the United States the document notes. But the participants didn't just "happen" to have crossed the Atlantic. The colloquium was organized by the U.S. government, which funded it, tapped participants it considered useful or promising, and bundled them off to New Jersey. Conference organizers had visited Cairo, Bahrain, Baghdad, Beirut, New Delhi, and other cities to scout for participants. Footing the bill—to the tune of $25,000, plus additional expenses for transporting attendees from the Middle East—was the International Information Administration (IIA), a branch of the State Department that had its roots in the U.S. intelligence community; supplementary funding was sought from U.S. airlines and from Aramco, the U.S. oil consortium in Saudi Arabia. Like many of the participants, Ramadan, a hard-edged ideologue and not a scholar, was visiting the conference as an all-expenses-paid guest.
A now-declassified IIA document labeled "Confidential—Security Information" sums up the purpose of the project: "On the surface, the conference looks like an exercise in pure learning. This in effect is the impression desired." The true goal, the memo notes, was to "bring together persons exerting great influence in formulating Muslim opinion in fields such as education, science, law and philosophy and inevitably, therefore, on politics…. Among the various results expected from the colloquium are the impetus and direction that may be given to the Renaissance movement within Islam itself." At the time, the United States was just beginning to feel its way around the Middle East, and American orientalists and academics were debating the extent to which political Islam might serve as a tool for American influence in the region.
For an organization established as a secret society, with a paramilitary arm that was responsible for assassinations and violence, to be characterized as a harbinger of a rebirth of Islam may seem odd.
The inevitably of events and political cybernetic intervention giving direction to the Enlightement of Islam after a Renaissance movement from within? The western renaissance
was the rediscovery of latin in the middel ages in Europe. For islam this would mean go back
to the true Islam of the year 600. Makes no sense at all. This is a recepy for dissaster to come.
As for politics, some of the most cutting-edge uses of technology can be found
in places like Tanzania, where activists are working on a new constitution - using a wiki.
The desision-making process within surviving companies is for decades done via e-mail.
Some people are very worried about the internet.
As we collectively try to understand the changes taking place in a world connected by the Internet and mobile phones we head toward the next phase, when the power of the Internet extends to mobile devices. Though an estimated 700 million people are online worldwide, that's nothing compared with the 2.1 billion people with cellphones.
Global multinationals are 24 hours a day able to buy and sell software-programming time thanks to the internet connections. 90 0/0 of all financial transactions are not for the actual
payment of goods or services. It is shifting money around to make a profit out of heaps of
borrowed money.
The software development cyclus on the internet shifts on a day from Europe, then to the States and to Tokyo so 3 persons 8 hour in stead of 1 person three days in a row at one site.
So a project sold on the basis of 240 manhoures valueable working time would before take 30 days of 8 hours so with 5 weekends 10 days extra say 6 weeks can now be done in 24 houres per day making 10 days plus 2 days because of one weekend. So from 40 days to 12 days.
The Somali-born Dutch former MP and critic of Islam, is to be allowed to keep her passport and nationality and the Balkenende II Administration of the Netherlands has fallen as a direct result of this Prime Minister's and members of Cabinet approving minister Verdonk to outlaw a chosen member of the house of representitives of the people of the States General of the Netherlands.
Staatssecretaris Medy van der Laan (Media) from the D66 fragment of the CDA VVD coalition found herself in a plane from Schiphol to Jakarta when the government resigned. Bij een tussenstop in Kuala Lumpur, regende het sms’jes op Van der Laans mobiel: crisis! "Ik dacht: Ho! Dit zou toch niet gebeuren? Maar het was helemaal mis"
From the official government.nl Web Site AHA did receive dutch nationality 'Ms Hirsi Ali was entitled to use the name Ayaan Hirsi Ali because her father's father had received the name Ali at birth and acquired the name Magan only later. She was mistaken in saying that she had lied about her identity.' Ms Hirsi Ali was also permitted to use the name because it was also borne by two other forefathers.Ex MP´s grandfather born Ali used this name for twenty years before changing it to Magan so by Somalian name rules she has always been entitited to it. Now Verdonk says this identifies Ayaan as being the one and only Hirsi Ali.
We life in a connected world when one travelling from Sweden to America may still use her Dutch paspoort whilst staying since last weekend in the USA.
Wingspan photo...

NRC Handelsblad 27 juni page 3 second column line 2 reads "Hirsi Ali left last weekend to America where she starts at a conservative thinktank". Am. Entp. Inst. not mentioned. AEI is also African Education Institute.
After Ayaan signed monday a text made by the Dutch State Verdonk made the letter demanded by parlement after being outlawed by the Balkenende Cabinet that Hirsi Ali would keep her passport. With these questions about her status removed she can aquire after 6 weeks of waiting
a visum for the States since her job at the Enterprise Intitute in Washionton starts september.
On 16 june Ayaan attended a Muslim pundits clash over future of Islam in Europe seminar in Engelsberg Sweden with Tariq Ramadan the grandson of the Egypian Siad Ramadan who had dinner at the White House with Eisenhower in september 1953 and wrote strongly against mixed dancing of whites and blacks during his pre in Amerika.
It's no exaggeration to say that Siad Ramadan is the ideological grandfather of Osama bin Laden. But Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood, and their Islamist allies might never have been able to plant the seeds that sprouted into Al Qaeda had they not been treated as U.S. allies during the Cold War and had they not received both overt and covert support from Washington; Ramadan himself, documents suggest, was recruited as an asset by the CIA. Same as the CIA base man in Afganistan Usama.
During the summer of 1953 there happened to be an unusually large number of distinguished Muslim scholars in the United States the document notes. But the participants didn't just "happen" to have crossed the Atlantic. The colloquium was organized by the U.S. government, which funded it, tapped participants it considered useful or promising, and bundled them off to New Jersey. Conference organizers had visited Cairo, Bahrain, Baghdad, Beirut, New Delhi, and other cities to scout for participants. Footing the bill—to the tune of $25,000, plus additional expenses for transporting attendees from the Middle East—was the International Information Administration (IIA), a branch of the State Department that had its roots in the U.S. intelligence community; supplementary funding was sought from U.S. airlines and from Aramco, the U.S. oil consortium in Saudi Arabia. Like many of the participants, Ramadan, a hard-edged ideologue and not a scholar, was visiting the conference as an all-expenses-paid guest.
A now-declassified IIA document labeled "Confidential—Security Information" sums up the purpose of the project: "On the surface, the conference looks like an exercise in pure learning. This in effect is the impression desired." The true goal, the memo notes, was to "bring together persons exerting great influence in formulating Muslim opinion in fields such as education, science, law and philosophy and inevitably, therefore, on politics…. Among the various results expected from the colloquium are the impetus and direction that may be given to the Renaissance movement within Islam itself." At the time, the United States was just beginning to feel its way around the Middle East, and American orientalists and academics were debating the extent to which political Islam might serve as a tool for American influence in the region.
For an organization established as a secret society, with a paramilitary arm that was responsible for assassinations and violence, to be characterized as a harbinger of a rebirth of Islam may seem odd.
The inevitably of events and political cybernetic intervention giving direction to the Enlightement of Islam after a Renaissance movement from within? The western renaissance
was the rediscovery of latin in the middel ages in Europe. For islam this would mean go back
to the true Islam of the year 600. Makes no sense at all. This is a recepy for dissaster to come.
As for politics, some of the most cutting-edge uses of technology can be found
in places like Tanzania, where activists are working on a new constitution - using a wiki.
The desision-making process within surviving companies is for decades done via e-mail.
Some people are very worried about the internet.
As we collectively try to understand the changes taking place in a world connected by the Internet and mobile phones we head toward the next phase, when the power of the Internet extends to mobile devices. Though an estimated 700 million people are online worldwide, that's nothing compared with the 2.1 billion people with cellphones.
Global multinationals are 24 hours a day able to buy and sell software-programming time thanks to the internet connections. 90 0/0 of all financial transactions are not for the actual
payment of goods or services. It is shifting money around to make a profit out of heaps of
borrowed money.
The software development cyclus on the internet shifts on a day from Europe, then to the States and to Tokyo so 3 persons 8 hour in stead of 1 person three days in a row at one site.
So a project sold on the basis of 240 manhoures valueable working time would before take 30 days of 8 hours so with 5 weekends 10 days extra say 6 weeks can now be done in 24 houres per day making 10 days plus 2 days because of one weekend. So from 40 days to 12 days.
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