Princess Ayaan and the Grand Sorceress

By Margreet Strijbosch 18-05-2006. Once upon a time...
ان والاميره الساحره كبير من مارغريت ستريبوش 18-05-2006 ايان & كبير الاميره الساحره ريتا فيردونك مره يحكي انه كان هناك الصوماليين الذين فروا الي دوله كينيا والدتها. يعيشون في ظروف مريحه ، ولا الاميره ممتازه التعليم في احد ارقي مدارس البنات في نيروبي. الدها الاثناء تخلف في الصومال ، ولكن عندما تخرجت من المدرسه الاميره قال لها انها يجب ان اتزوج واحده! وقال انه تم العثور علي الزوج الذي يعتقد في نفسه من الله وليس رجل سيء. بحيث اصبح الزواج. بعد عرس الزوج ان يذهب في طريقه الي كندا حيث يعيش ، واتفق علي ان تتابع الاميره اليه لاحقا. بعد سته اشهر ارسل لها تذكره ، وانها هي مغلفه في اكياس. لكن علي مستوي الفكر ، والاميره ان تكون الحياه اكثر مما يعيش مع زوجها والدها قد عثروا عليها. عندما هبطت الطاءره في المانيا علي طول الطريق ، واتخذ القرار : هي لن تعود الي المجلس ، ولكن ان القطار الي هولندا « وهناك ، هل هي بدايه حياه جديده لكل من نفسه! لكن جميع اللاجءين الذين يريدون العيش في هولندا روايه قصه اول الساحره الكبري. الاميره هي تعلم ان اري شيء بسرعه ، وهي تصريحات مخيفه عن حكايه الخمسه الاشباح المرعبه التي لاحقت كل من في الطريق من الصومال والتي هي تمزق اشلاء اذا ذهبت ابدا الي الوراء. الساحره الكبري الفكر وقصه ممتازه ، وقدمت الاميره جواز سفر والترحيب الهديه. علي الجواز وقال ايان هايب علي ، لان ذلك هو ما دعت نفسه. الاميره الان مصمم علي العيش علي اكمل وجه. ودرس وعمل شاق ، وبعد حين انها لا تسمح حتي يصبح عضوا في البرلمان الهولندي. يمكنكم تخيل مدي سعاده الاخرين ان كانت له مثل هذه الشجاعه الابنوس الجميل ، اميره علي زميل. من الذي حارب ولا يقل عن خمسه الاشباح! لكنها اكتشفت اليوم المشءوم في هولندا ايضا ، هناك الاباء الذين تزوجوا من بناتهم ، وضربهم هم للختان ، واحيانا للقتل. الاباء الذين يءمنون بالله نفسه والد الملك الاميره... وهي قد قررت ان تفعل شيءا ، وهي صديقتها ثيو قدم الفيلم الذي ظهر بالضبط ما هي عمل الله الاول علي المراه. لكن الفيلم الذي جعل الرجال والدها في العباده لله غاضب جدا. من هم غاضبون جدا انه ثيو قتل في سبيل الله ، ومن قال ان يفعل الشيء ذاته الاميره. من ذلك اليوم ، وكانت تعيش في القلعه خاصه جدا ، حيث حذر من فرسان جميع الاوقات. بسبب المغامرات الاميره سرعان الشهير ايان جميع انحاء العالم. لكن اخرين غيور ، وشكا من ان الابنوس الامراء يجب ان تري ولا تسمع. لذا يظنون خطه انشاء مخادع... اول ما وجد طريقه الي الاميره ايان يطردون من ماواها القلعه. ثم ذهبوا الي كبير الساحره ، واخبرها ان الاميره لم يحارب حقا اي الاشباح وان اسمها الحقيقي لم يكن ايان هايب لكن علي ايان ماغان. الساحره الكبري لا تريد ارسال الاميره بعيدا. ثم قالت المستشاره غوبلين مهموس هي التفاته الي انها قد تفقد صفتها السحريه السلطات اذا هي لم تفعل ذلك. لذا ارسل الاميره ايان وقال لها : "حتي لو كنت اجمل اميره في كل الارض ، عليك ان يرحل". لكن لحظه حاولت استرجاع ايان دون تمييز ، وكان كبير الساحره فجاه الي حجاره! الاميره نظر في حجر الساحره وولي هاربا والرعب. وهي مغلفه في اكياس بسرعه وهرب للمره الثالثه... اكبر دوله في العالم ، حيث توجد مجموعات اخري الامراء هربن من المنزل. الاميره هنا ايان استمر يكتب كتبا كثيره عن قسوه الرجال الذين يءمنون بالله والدها ، وانها تعيش في سعاده وهناء بعد فيريتالي كما يفعل الامراء. والساحره الكبري؟ حسنا ، ما من احد يسمع بها من جديد...
Once upon a time, there was a Somali princess who fled to Kenya with her mother. They lived in comfortable circumstances, and the little princess enjoyed an excellent education at one of the finest girls' schools in Nairobi.
Her father meanwhile stayed behind in Somalia, but when the princess graduated from school he told her that she must get married at once! He said he had already found her a husband who believed in the same god and who wasn't a bad man. So they got married.
After the wedding, the husband had to go all the way to Canada, where he lived, and it was agreed that the princess would follow him later.
After six months he sent her a ticket, and she packed her bags. But on the plane, the princess thought there had to be more to life than living with the husband her father had found her.
When the plane landed in Germany along the way, she took a decision: she would not get back on board, but take a train to the Netherlands instead. And there, she would start a new life, all by herself!
But all refugees who wanted to live in the Netherlands had to tell a story first to the Grand Sorceress. The princess knew she had to think of something quick, and she told a scary tale about five horrible dragons that had chased her all the way from Somalia and that would tear her to pieces if she ever went back.
The Grand Sorceress thought it was an excellent story, so she gave the princess a passport as a welcome gift. On the passport it said Ayaan Hirsi Ali, because that was what she called herself.
The princess was now determined to live life to the fullest. She studied and worked hard, and after a while she was even allowed to become a member of the Dutch parliament. You can imagine how pleased the others must have been to have such a beautiful, brave ebony princess for a colleague; one who had battled five dragons no less!
But one terrible day she discovered that in the Netherlands, too, there were fathers who married off their daughters, beat them, had them circumcised and sometimes even murdered them. Fathers who believed in the same god as the princess' own father...
She decided she had to do something, so she and her friend Theo made a film that showed precisely what her former god did to his women. But the film made the men who worshipped her father's god very angry. One of them was so angry that he killed Theo in the name of their god, and said he would do the same to the princess. From that day on, she had to live in a very special castle, where knights guarded her all the time.
Because of her adventures, Princess Ayaan soon became famous all around the world. But the others were jealous, and complained that ebony princesses should be seen and not heard. So they thought up a devious plan...
First they found a way to have Princess Ayaan thrown out of her safe castle. And then they went to the Grand Sorceress, and told her that the princess hadn't really fought any dragons and that her real name wasn't even Ayaan Hirsi Ali but Ayaan Magan. The Grand Sorceress didn't want to send the princess away.
But then her goblin adviser whispered into her ear that she might lose her magic powers if she didn't. So she sent for Princess Ayaan and told her: "even though you are the most beautiful princess in all the land, you have to leave." But the moment she tried to take back Ayaan's passport, the Grand Sorceress was suddenly turned to stone!
The princess looked at the stone sorceress and ran away in horror. She quickly packed her bags and fled for the third the biggest country in the world, where there are lots of other princesses who have run away from home.
Here, Princess Ayaan continued to write many books about the cruelty of the men who believe in her father's god, and she lived happily ever after as fairytale princesses do. And the Grand Sorceress? Well, nobody ever heard from her again...
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