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Why information about Ayaan Hirsi Ali ? Aha krijgt telkens veel media aandacht, op tv, in de printmedia, tijdschriften en was/is de meest geciteerde nieuwe politica. Het is grappig om de verspreiding van informatie over het internet per nieuwsfeit qua snelheid en hoeveelheid te vergelijken. Cher Ayaan, Je vous prie de trouve annex;

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Centennial awards: Moral Courage; Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Dutch Parliament Member

Frence Marianne or Minaret? The minaret violating the statue of Liberty picture would not be possible under Islam shariah since then no buildings higher than mosque's are allowed. When the grand daughter of the Frence model arrived she told the resemblance was remarkable.

The news headlines show the growing influences of Islam.
heightened awareness of radical Islam, coupled with the growth around the globe of Muslim populations through migration and demographic shifts, no longer allows "business as usual" approach to the Islamic world.

The Somali-born Dutch legislator who lives under constant death threats by Islamic radicals, will receive the American Jewish Committee’s Moral Courage Award at the organization’s 100th Annual Meeting in May.

Some people are very worried about Islam taking Europe on it's horns.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali to Receive AJC Moral Courage Award
for opposing extremism and oppression. A sort of equivalent
of the harpO GutsPwah prize given to another muslim refusenik, winner of Oprah Winfrey's first annual Chutzpah Award and dissident of islam lecturing together at the 92Y & alone at
New York Public Library the main building with the lions out front

April 30, 2006 In Conversation With Philip Gourevitch;
World Voices audio pen.org and Monday, May 1, 2006
Park Hyatt Philadelphia at WAC Islam and the West conferences with moderator ex Cnn * Judy Woodruff, Young Miss Augusta 1963 at Seventeenth, being a birthplace since 1776 of ideas that further the potential of human society.

With Philadelphia Road boy-scout Kissinger as Global experts on American Assimilation in Jewish America.

Fleeing the Czar's pogroms many Jewish socialists arrived in America in the early 1900's.

Founded in 1906, as a result of the Imperial Russian Tzar's, slave State Pruisian Germany,the Templeliers in Litouwen after the cussades, Hanze steden and the barn stone road one year after the second Russian aliyah upon the second wave of pogroms around the revolution year 1905 by Pobedonostsev a loose kanon in orbit's entourage of forceless tzar Nikolaas II,

AJC is celebrating at its Annual Meeting one hundred years of fighting for human freedom, human dignity and human rights.

The Moral Courage Award presented to Hirsi Ali on May 4 2006 in Wash, Dist. Col.

Within 11 years after arrival in the Netherlands she was elected to the Dutch Parliament with enough votes for more than half a chair of the 150 so around 1 out of 300 votes. She is an advocate for the integration and emancipation of Muslim women. “Ayaan Hirsi Ali has literally put her life on the scale for her beliefs,” says AJC Executive Director David A. Harris. “She is indefatigable in her efforts to wake us up to the dangers that threaten our value system, indeed our very way of life.”

Since arriving in the Netherlands as a refugee in 1992, Hirsi Ali has been an outspoken advocate for the rights of Muslim women, especially after she found Muslim women in immigrant communities in the Western world subjected to abuses and discrimination commonplace in Islamic countries. She also has criticized Western governments for allowing such practices to persist in violation of Western societal norms and laws.

She received political asylum after fleeing from her own family which had arranged a marriage for her in Canada. In eleven years Hirsi Ali worked her way up from cleaning woman to graduating from the University of Leiden with a political science degree to winning election in 2003 to the Dutch Parliament as a member of the Liberal Party.

“Submission,” the short film by Theo Van Gogh about the treatment of Muslim women by male relatives, was written by Hirsi Ali. Van Gogh was murdered two years ago by a Moroccan immigrant, who also left pinned to the filmmaker's body a note threatening the life of Hirsi Ali. She has since lived under 24-hour police protection, an extraordinary condition for an elected official in a European democracy.

In addition to defending women’s rights, Hirsi Ali is outspoken on virulent anti-Semitism that pervades much of the Islamic world. She condemns those in the West who allow Muslim immigrant communities to wallow in second or third class status.

“She is determined to confront the Islamic world with the long overdue challenge of adapting to modernity, and she believes that examination must start with Muslims living in the West, as only they have the liberty in which to operate and to bring about change,” says Harris.

Hirsi Ali will be the second recipient of the Moral Courage Award. Last year AJC honored an Iraqi politician, Mithal Alusi, who has relentlessly advocated for a democratic, secular, Western-oriented nation, and traveled to Israel to show his desire to establish ties between Iraq and Israel. Due to his views, Alusi was targeted for assassination, and in one attempt both of his sons were killed. He was elected to the Iraqi National Assembly in December.
Listen to Ayaan Hirsi Ali's introduction and acceptance speech
Ladies and gentlemen I have a confession to make, if you are Jewish.
It's a testimony to my dark past when I lived in ignorance.

My own version some minutes after listening;

I justed to hate you!
When we had no water I thought you closed the tap.
I do not know how but you did it.
A bad mark at school or my mother angry.
Always the Jew where behind that.
In Saudi where poor Palestins, you drove them out.
We were tought to hate you.
Learing to hate you was easy.
My half sister told the holocaust was the best thing happend to the Jew's.
Unlearing to hate was difficult.

From M Phillips A woman of valour In the flesh she appears quiet, demure and modest.
At the AJC conference she spoke briefly and simply, and you could have heard a pin drop.
What she said was devastating.‘I used to hate you’ she said. In her Somalian Muslim family, she said, she was brought up to hate the Jews.

She was taught that the Jews were to blame for the war in Somalia, for driving the Palestinians out of their homes, for the fact that no water came out of Somalian taps. ‘If my mother was unkind to me, I knew the Jews were definitely behind it’, she said. The Jews, she was taught, were evil, had evil powers and used these to evil ends.

But somehow she managed to grasp that she was being taught lies, and she determined to fight them. That was hard; learning to hate was easy, she said, but unlearning it was very difficult. Yet she did it

The following is part of her acceptance speech, transcription Rishon Risho

I used to hate you. I hated you because I thought you were responsible for the war that took my father from me for so long. When the Soviet Union allied with our home-grown dictator in Somalia, I was told the Jews were behind that. In Saudi Arabia I saw poor people from a place called Palestine. Men women and children huddled together in despair. I was told you drove them out of their homes. I hated you for that. When we had no water I thought you closed the tap. I don't know how you did it, but you did it. If my mother was unkind to me I knew you were definitely behind it. Even when I failed an exam I knew it was your fault. I don't know how you did all these things. But then I didn't need proof. You are by nature evil. And you had evil powers and you used them to evil ends.

Learning to hate you was easy.

Could her sister be refering to the fact the holocaust lead to the foundation of the State of Israel and as such after millenia of diaspora being in known history the best thing ever happed to the Jew´s?

Ayaan opened the first exhibition in over 60 years in Lager Westerbork about homosexuals in death camps in april and got attacked by 9 lesbian and gay socical scientist accussing her of milking the holocaust for islamfobia in a widely published open letter.

Last year a group at the Universtity of Islamsterdam made opposion against her presence at the opening of the accademic year. The academic world does not like newcomers making statements about their claimed space.

Ayaan also refers the the holocaust at the 61st Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights held in Geneva from 14th March to 22nd April 2005. As a politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who came to speak at the one-day parallel conference “Victims of Jihad” and who joined the International Humanist and Ethical Union press conference on 18th April, felt unable to address the plenary of the Commission on behalf of IHEU so Roy Brown read a statement that briefly summarised the main points of her conference speech:

Western society tends to turn a blind eye to the plight of European Muslim women and girls because “Muslim culture is different”. Yet in Europe many women find themselves subject to domestic violence, undergo forced marriages or are even killed by family members because of some belief that they have tarnished the family honour.

Ayaan had also posed a rhetorical question:

Would this Commission, we wonder, have remained silent when millions of European Jews were being shipped off to the gas chambers because this was “part of German culture”?

To answer this question one has to know a refugee from Europe even spoke in the Conges during World War II but they did not believe the Germans where using the laborcamps for destruction.
The Germans needed slave labour to pay off their debs to American companies. Baden Powell build the first slave camps in South Africa decades before so the knew the profits of such an American Enterprise.

The Congess stopped payments to Hitler after the invasion of Hawaii, witch came as a shock to this great Nation because all the maps they had even seen of outfolded pictures of the globe showed Japan on the other side of the world. They were paying since 1933 and admired the Nazi Neurenberger race laws since mixed coupels would lead to degeneration of this wonderfull Ango Saxian Masterrace that went plundering trough Europe and could pass between the Friesians and the Flemish over the canal to England driving the Brits to Scotland and the Kelts to Wales and Ierland to build their empire of global domination.

America tryed to save the dollar from bankruptcy by invading Irak after Saddam Hoesseis propossel to the OPEC to accept only Euros for payement. Now the oil has been sold in 20 and 30 year contracts to China and India and Irak has thanks to the dismanteling of secular law a
provice of Iran. I wonder the currency of these oil contracts is in US dollars...

At the intoduction of the Euro the value was around 1 to the dollar. Now 80 eurocents gives a dollar, so it dropped 1/5 . The dollar is the oil of the global black market economies.

The yearly Dutch black economy turnover is slighty lower that of the Vatican Malta Knight's but still estimated at 18 to 24 miljard Euro( this is 1000 x 1000 x 1000 ) per year. It gets partly smurfed into tax paying entities like pizzashops, restaurants, videoshops booking it cash to the daily turn-over and staying under the higher tax rate by generating a miminum of profit in the official books or real estate investments.

Foreign venture kapitalist bought for over 22 miljard Euro's worth of Dutch companies
and privitezed public services in 2006. They recieve tax reductions so outstandingly
low that the Japanees gouvernement has issued extra taxes for Nippon companies
investing in the Netherlands. Unfortunaty the bureaucratic proletariaat that forms
the Dutch State only want to do business with multinationals and big investors.

They demolish all craftmen-ship and knowlegde and the small and medium enterprises
will be swallowed up. Also the Dutch governement is activly killing the family owned.

The vice president of the USA private company is allowed to charge 50 dollar an hour to the White House Administration for a 7 dollar an hour Irakian laundry worker in Bagdad.
Warworkers earn a trippel of the normal soldiers wages working for private soldiers companies and 1/3 of the National Guard was abroad in various wars during hurrican Katrina.

The Bush administration allowed so much water to be drained upstream the water in the
river was to low to keep the dikes wet so they dried out lost their strenght and broke since the normal waterlever was at New Orleans 4 meters higher than the sea.

And how many of hunderd years ago where they build?

The White House is now run by the son of ex CIA head and former president Bush Sr. whose father was shareholder in the Thyssen Bank Rotterdam after 1918. Around WOII the USA based clans sourced lots of money to the States. Arafat, Hitler and Hoessain all got similair support from American companies and State Agencies. The CIA trained Al Fathah as "Jordan Basketball Team" in Amerika. Usama Bin Laden was the base man in Afganistan for the CIA against the Sovjets. Industrial Bussines Machines were sold to Hilter Germany for the race administration and calculation of camp sites inside concentrations of the over 15 miljen Jews who were living in Europe before World War II.

The British and Americans did also not bomb the railroads to the camps.

They also turned Indonesia into a big state against the communists, allowed 1.000.000 to be killed and 750.000 in camps and not the federation as planed before WOII by the Dutch.

They did not assist the Dutch after the Jap got beaten against the Islamitic Nationalists and now thanks to Amerika Indonesie is the biggest moslim state.

De eerste omvangrijke groep joden die naar Palestina trok, eind vorige eeuw, was afkomstig uit Rusland. Daar waren de joden al eeuwenlang doelwit geweest van volkspesterijen en gesar door de autoriteiten. Catharina de Grote had hun eind achttiende eeuw een gebied toegewezen waar ze, in tegenstelling tot elders in Rusland, volgens hun eigen tradities mochten leven. Dat gebied strekte zich uit van de Baltische Zee tot aan de Zwarte Zee en omvatte grote delen van wat nu Polen, Wit-Rusland en Oekraïne heet. Het groeide uit tot de bakermat van de joodse cultuur van ashkenazische (hebreeuws voor 'Duitse') snit. Juist dat gebied werd na de moord op tsaar Aleksander II in 1881 getroffen door een golf van pogroms. Het leidde tot een enorme uittocht van joden, merendeels richting Amerika, maar ook richting Palestina - een heuse 'aliyah', ofte wel pelgrimsgolf.
De 'tweede Russische aliyah' volgde op een tweede golf van pogroms, rond het revolutiejaar 1905. Pobedonostsev, een ongeleid politiek projectiel in de orbit van de krachteloze tsaar Nikolaas II, kwam op de gedachte het volksonbehagen te richten op het 'joodse vraagstuk', dat volgens hem maar op één manier kon worden opgelost, namelijk door een derde der joden uit te roeien, een derde over de grens te jagen en een derde te bekeren.
De twintig- à dertigduizend Russische joden die daarop naar Palestina vertrokken, ontpopten zich als ijverige kolonisten. De studie van de thora kwam bij hen op het tweede plan. Zij kwamen werken, opbouwen, meer nog: het socialisme vestigen. Allengs kwamen er zelfs joodse bolsjevieken toegestroomd, dit tot ergernis van Jacob Israël de Haan, die in het Algemeen Handelsblad van 21 juni 1921 over hen optekent: 'Een Arabische proletariër is hun nader dan een Joodsche kapitalist.'
Onder Stalin kwam aan de uittocht der joden een einde. De rode dictator had een eigen plan bedacht om het 'joodse vraagstuk' op te lossen. Boribidzjan, ergens diep in Siberië, leek hem een geschikt oord voor een autonome joodse republiek. Er viel veel grond te ontginnen en het lag strategisch ten opzichte van Japan. Het aantal joden is er nooit boven de dertigduizend gekomen. In de jaren zeventig woonden er ternauwernood nog twaalfduizend. En toen moest de 'derde aliyah' nog beginnen, die van de jaren zeventig.
Maar liefst honderdzestigduizend joden trokken in die jaren, als gevolg van de versoepeling der emigratieregeling, naar Israel. Een derde van hen waren zogeheten 'oriëntaalse joden' uit Georgië, de Kaukasus en Boechara. Deze oosterse joden zijn minder hoog opgeleid en leven traditioneler dan hun ashkenazische broeders en zusters uit het westen van Rusland.
Van de 'vierde aliyah', de laatste, die in 1987 dank zij Gorbatsjovs glasnost op gang kwam, maakten de oriëntaalse joden bijna een kwart uit. Op deze brave en inschikkelijke groep joden zijn de kwalijke vooroordelen die men in Israel jegens de nieuwste lichting Russen koestert, in ieder geval niet van toepassing. Onder hen geen criminelen, zuiplappen, leeglopers en prostituées.


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