Ayaan: European of the Year Awards

she said at the EV50 gala evening on 29 November 2005 where the results of the poll for the Europeans of the Year Awards were announced. The black-tie dinner at the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels was hosted by former European Parliament President Pat Cox. European Voice reports on the EV50 awards ceremony. People who change Europe: The voice of the voiceless
The Somali-born Hirsi Ali missed out on the award of Campaigner of the Year, which went to Florian Müller, the German who spear-headed a campaign against the software patent directive. But she won an enthusiastic ovation from the other guests at the Palais d’Egmont.
Hirsi Ali said: “The reception I received from the audience was unexpected but absolutely wonderful. “But I see both it, and my nomination in the awards, as recognition, not so much for myself or for what I have done, but for what I call the countless ‘voiceless’ Muslim women in Europe who are suffering abuse of one kind or another. “I am pleased to have highlighted their plight and hope that events like this can raise awareness even more, because the fight must go on.
191 nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2006 Altogether 168 individuals and 23 organizations have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2006. This is slightly less than last year's record of 199 candidates. The Norwegian Nobel Committee will announce the winner in the middle of October.
The Committee will as usual not release any information about who the candidates are, but other sources say that Bob Geldof and Bono have again been nominated.
Finland's former president Martti Athisaari, who was nominated last year, has again been nominated for his work as peace negotiator both in Indonesia and the Balkans.
Nominated is also former US foreign secretary Colin Powell for his peace efforts in the Sudan.
Ayjan Hirsi-Ali, champion of the rights for Muslim women, has also been nominated, according to reports. (NRK) / np25.02.2006 08:24
HILVERSUM, 06/01/06 - No attention at all was paid on Wednesday to the election of Dutch MP and Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali as European of the Year by the European editors of Reader's Digest magazine on Dutch TV by NOS Journaal; a majority of the Dutch consider it the most important news source in the Netherlands. A minority have doubts about the objectivity of the TV news programme, according to two surveys carried out on the occasion of NOS Journaal's 50th anniversary celebrated yesterday.
Hirsi Ali uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van 2005 in the weekly magazine Elsevier woensdag 4 januari clearly relects the lack of attention, high fuxuation of staf and inability to use one's own memory not being able to recall last years winner from own recollecting of events and absence of line editors in printmedia since Russian Doctor Roshal Named European of the Year 19.01.2005 is to receive the Reader’s Digest European of the Year Award 2005. The renowned doctor, 71 said he would donate the 5,000 Euro award to Southeast Asia tsunami victims.
The Reader's Digest European of the Year is selected by the European editors of Reader's Digest magazine as the person who best embodies the contemporary expression of Europe's values and traditions. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the eleventh winner of the award, which was established in 1996. She will receive the honour at a ceremony in The Hague on January 23. It is accompanied by a cheque for EUR5,000, which she has asked to be donated to the Ethica Foundation, a Dutch charity recently set up with the aim of emancipating Muslim women.
A full account of the life and achievements of Ayaan Hirsi Ali is published simultaneously in January in all 19 European editions of RD, Europe's best-selling magazine in 17 countries and has a total circulation in Europe of 4.15 million and gets read five times over by other then the submissionionee.
Bob Low, European Bureau Chief of RD, commented: "It has taken a young woman born outside Europe to show Europeans the sort of courage and determination that is needed to confront extremism and to uphold the values of tolerance and justice that we hold dear. We are proud to honour her."
However, with What Can This “European of the Year” Teach Us? Paul Belien of the Brussels Journal takes issue with Reader's Digest 's announcement yesterday naming Ayaan Hirsi Ali the Dutch moderate-conservative more at Readers Digest forum
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born Dutch politician who has become famous for campaigning against the oppression of women under Islam, was the centre of much attention at the EV50 awards. The 36-year-old has only recently come out of a seclusion prompted by death threats which were made after her outspoken attacks on Islam and migration.
She is guarded 24 hours a day by armed bodyguards, who kept a close watch at Tuesday’s gala dinner.
Iszlámkritikus az év embere hirtv Thursday, January 5, 2006 6:15:00 PM CET Score:0.09
2006-01-05 18:06 Iszlámkritikus az év embere www.tdcportal.hu Az év európai embere a szomáliai származású holland parlamenti képviselőnő Ayaan Hirsi Ali lett a Reader’s Digest szerint.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is Europeaan van het jaar nieuwsblad Thursday, January 5, 2006 1:02:00 PM CET Score:0.77
Reader's Digest heeft de Nederlandse politica Ayaan Hirsi Ali uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaar. Zij ontvangt de onderscheiding voor haar moed en volharding om het lot van onderdrukte islamitische vrouwen
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is Europeaan van het jaar HetVolk Thursday, January 5, 2006 9:57:00 AM CET Score:0.80
Reader's Digest heeft de Nederlandse politica Ayaan Hirsi Ali uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaar. Zij ontvangt de onderscheiding voor haar moed en volharding om het lot van onderdrukte
> Kort binnenlands nieuws nos Thursday, January 5, 2006 2:55:00 AM CET Score:0.09
Reader's Digest: Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar algemeendagblad Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:10:00 PM CET Score:0.64

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Het VVD-Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi Ali is door het blad Reader's Digest uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaar. Ze ontvangt de onderscheiding wegens haar ,,moed en volharding om het lot van...
Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar (video) nu Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:49:00 PM CET Score:0.73
DEN HAAG - Het VVD-Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi Ali is door het blad Readers Digest uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaar. Ze ontvangt de onderscheiding wegens haar "moed en volharding om het lot van onderdr...
Hirsi Ali uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van 2005 elsevier Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:30:00 PM CET Score:0.91
Hirsi Ali tot invloedrijkste honderd elsevier Wednesday, January 4, 2006 7:30:00 PM CET Score:1.00

Gerelateerd Ayaan Hirsi Ali is Nederlander van 2004 Ayaan Hirsi Ali is Nederlander van 2004 Eurocommissaris zegt Hirsi Ali onderzoek toe Eurocommissaris zegt Hirsi Ali onderzoek toe Irak:
'Ayaan Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar' trouw Wednesday, January 4, 2006 6:57:00 PM CET Score:0.73
Ayaan Hirsi Ali (VVD) is door Reader's Digest verkozen tot Europeaan van het jaar. Zij ontvangt de onderscheiding vanwege haar 'moed en volharding om het lot van onderdrukte
islamitische vrouwen op de...
Reader's Digest: Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar detelegraaf Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:27:00 PM CET Score:0.64
DEN HAAG - Het VVD-Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi Ali is door het blad Reader's Digest uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaarZe ontvangt de onderscheiding wegens haar moed en volharding om het lot van onderdr...
Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar algemeendagblad Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:25:00 PM CET Score:0.86
Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar nu Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:19:00 PM CET Score:0.73
DEN HAAG - Het VVD-Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi Ali isdoor het blad Readers Digest uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaar. Zeontvangt de onderscheiding wegens haar "moed en volharding om het lot van onderdr...
Reader's Digest: Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar nrc-anp Wednesday, January 4, 2006 5:09:00 PM CET Score:0.64

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Het VVD-Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi
Ali is door het blad Reader's Digest uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het
jaar. Ze ontvangt de onderscheiding wegens haar ,,moed en volharding om
het lot van...
Reader's Digest: Hirsi Ali Europeaan van het jaar algemeendagblad Wednesday, January 4, 2006 4:55:00 PM CET Score:0.64
DEN HAAG (ANP) - Het VVD-Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi Ali is door het blad Reader's Digest uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaar. Ze ontvangt de onderscheiding wegens haar ,,moed en volharding om het lot van...
Readers Digest benoemt Ayaan Hirsi Ali tot Europeaan van het jaar nieuwsbank Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:24:00 PM CET Score:0.62
Edelman - DLV 4 - 1 - 2006 Readers Digest benoemt Ayaan Hirsi Ali tot Europeaan van het jaar Drs. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is door Readers Digest uitgeroepen tot Europeaan van het jaar. De
Nederlandse politica...
[04/01/2006 12:00] ΞΕΝΗ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ-ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΥΠΟΥ- PRN-Reader's Digest ana Wednesday, January 4, 2006 11:28:00 AM CET Score:0.13
ΞΕΝΗ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ-ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΥΠΟΥ- PRN-Reader's Digest Dutch member of parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been named as the winner of the Reader's Digest European of the Year award 2006.Somalia-born Hirsi...
NOS Journaal is the best and most objective news programme, in the view of 68 percent of the Dutch, concluded poller Maurice de Hond in a survey commissioned by NOS itself. For viewers under 30, this figure was even higher, at 70 percent.
De Hond also reported that 60 percent considered NOS Journaal to be neutral. Some 23 percent called it fairly leftwing, 10 percent leftwing and 3 percent far-left. Just 2 percent considered NOS Journaal to be fairly righting and nobody found it righting or far-right.
According to a poll held by radio programme Standpunt, the Dutch agree that NOS Journaal is the most important new source in the Netherlands. In the poll held yesterday, 60 percent of the respondents agreed with this statement and 40 percent disagreed.
Standpunt questioned chief editor Hans Laroes of NOS Journaal in the studio about the alleged leftwing bias of his team. For example, No attention at all was paid on Wednesday to the election of Dutch MP and Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali as European of the Year by the European editors of Reader's Digest magazine.
Laroes admitted that his staff may have a preference for leftwing parties, but this "is also the case for radio and newspaper correspondents, with a few exceptions". This is no problem "as long as the news is viewed through journalistic eyes and not party political eyes." "There is no leftwing conspiracy," he added.
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