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Why information about Ayaan Hirsi Ali ? Aha krijgt telkens veel media aandacht, op tv, in de printmedia, tijdschriften en was/is de meest geciteerde nieuwe politica. Het is grappig om de verspreiding van informatie over het internet per nieuwsfeit qua snelheid en hoeveelheid te vergelijken. Cher Ayaan, Je vous prie de trouve annex;

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hirsi Ali is alles waar Nederland niet van houdt

door Corine Vloet in het nrc: Hirsi Ali is alles waar Nederland niet van houdt.

In Nederland is het geen verdienste als iemand een discussie op gang brengt, integendeel. Verder strekt het ook niet tot aanbeveling als iemand mooi is, uitzonderlijk en vooral: een vrouw. Hirsi Ali rekende op westerse waarden, ze kreeg gepolder.

Dat Hirsi Ali vertrekt naar Amerika, is op zich niet erg. We hebben geboft dat ze het hier zo lang heeft volgehouden. De meeste anderen waren in haar plaats allang vertrokken. Wel erg is wat de Zembla-affaire in de afgelopen week zoal heeft blootgelegd over onze samenleving. Met ongewone scherpte hebben zich een aantal ingesleten reflexen en taboes afgetekend die ons, ook nadat Hirsi Ali is vertrokken, nog lang parten zullen spelen.

Die taboes waren er al en zij kwam in het Haagse doormodder moeraspolitiek polderpeil nivellering en assimilatie in dit pannekoekenland waar alles overzichtelijk tot op het grondwater wordt afgebroken.
Waar iemand slechts tot maaihoogte mag groeien en door het partijbelang van links als rechts de PvdA en de VVD in het mijnenveld terecht komt en de VVD vervolgens fijn de rijen sluit en Hirsi Ali precies een jaar voor de verkiezingen van 16 mei 2007 dumpt door haar statenloos te verklaren.

Allereerst hét grote verwijt dat Hirsi Ali gedurende haar hele carrière is gemaakt, onlangs bondig verwoord door Hans Wiegel: „Ze heeft standpunten ingenomen die toch heel erg polariserend waren.” Zoiets is problematisch in ons land. Het is geen verdienste in Nederland dat iemand discussie losmaakt waar voorheen geen discussie was; het is een bedreiging. Het lijkt wel een hardnekkig oud-Hollandsch bijgeloof: als ergens niet over wordt gesproken, bestaat het ook niet. Het debat veroorzaakt polarisatie, waar voorheen slechts harmonie en eensgezindheid waren. Fundamentalisten bestonden niet in ons land, totdat het Woord hun leven inblies. Zo wist ook Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer in deze krant te melden dat Hirsi Ali „medeverantwoordelijk [is] voor het klimaat waarin sommige islamieten zich zozeer van Nederland vervreemd voelen dat zij zich niet langer gehouden voelen aan de Nederlandse wet”. Als was zij de eenvrouwsversie van het broeikaseffect. De net-niet-Dichter des Vaderlands, die wellicht een bovengemiddeld sterk geloof in de macht van het woord koestert, dicht Hirsi Ali hier wel zeer bijzondere, haast bovenmenselijke krachten toe.

Ja, dat bovenmenselijke van de heilige Ayaan was ook de bewijsvoering van de Engelsen om the Maid of Orleans with her snowwhite banner op de brandstapel te krijgen. In Belgie heeft men de Hexenhamer al uit de kast gehaald, een standaardwerk van de vrouwenvervolging door de kerkelijke inquistie.

Dit erelid, wichelroedeloper en groot orakel van de Veel Ver Dieners partij uit Dieven, hoe kon het toepasselijker of was het Dieren, nou opperaap op de landelijke politieke apenrots past evengoed.
Deze provenciale studentikoze blaaskaak met blote billen gezicht is echt niet te beroerd om als bezoldigd commissaris bij een computerbedrijf een btw/bv caroessel fraude van 6 miljoen buiten het jaarverslag te houden om zijn commissie veilig te stellen. Deze Wiegel mag wel schandknapen en mooie jongetjes regelen voor homofiele senatoren als van Riel. Kregen ze heroine of als braak genoteerde flessen sterke drank uit de familieslijterij?

Die echt niet te beroerd is een week nadat hij woordvoerder om voor het militaire vliegveld dat dicht gaat in Drente een burgerluchtvaartdoel te lobbyen zijn naamsbekendheid te verhogen door een tweetal in de media geprinte open brieven aan Ayaan Hirsi met volksmenner aanvallen en stemmingsmakerij.

Dat mag dan het goede voorbeeld geven als boegbeeld van de Partij.
Want Ayaan haar snavel laten houden daar score je mee in deze mediadictatuur.

Polarisatie is negatief in dit land want dan worden de achterliggende gedachten
opeen bespreekbaar en dat is politiek niet verstandig.
Standpunten horen vooral vaag te zijn en de maatschappelijke disscusie dient vooral
in bedekkende gangbare termen te worden gevoerd en bepaalde onderwerpen zijn
taboe verklaard vanwege buitenlanders die hun eigen cultuur willen doordrukken.

„Overeenstemming over de algemene richting van de maatschappij” geldt in Nederland als „uiterst belangrijk”, constateerde de Amerikaanse historicus James Kennedy in de vorig jaar verschenen bundel Nederland op scherp. Buitenlandse beschouwingen over een stuurloos land. Hij schrijft: „Als een bepaalde consensus tot stand is gekomen in Nederland, is het erg moeilijk om kritiek te leveren; mensen zijn niet langer echt geïnteresseerd in filosofische discussies over de grondslagen en de dieper liggende kwesties die nu door de consensus beslecht zijn. Deze algehele overeenstemming moedigt de discussie ook niet aan.” Immers, eendracht maakt macht, zoals iedere Nederlander weet. Waar onoverbrugbare meningsverschillen dreigen, wordt soms een poging gedaan feiten om te buigen tot plooibare meningen, om te zien of we het uiteindelijk toch niet allemaal eens kunnen worden. Zo kan hier een minister van Onderwijs voorstellen om Intelligent Design op het universitair curriculum te zetten, omdat dat een brug zou kunnen slaan tussen de harde wetenschap en allochtone studenten.

e angst voor stevige discussie heeft echter wel een aantal vervelende consequenties. Een daarvan is het door Kennedy gesignaleerde fenomeen van „plotselinge, radicale en massale bekeringen en enorme paradigmaverschuivingen” die volgen op lange perioden van saaie consensus. In zo’n politieke consensuscultuur, schrijft Kennedy, „worden tegengestelde visies niet tegen elkaar uitgespeeld, maar volgen ze elkaar op”.

Bovendien maakt de Nederlandse consensuscultuur Nederlanders gevoelig voor stemmingmakerij. De schijn van geloofwaardigheid volstaat, mits context en bron maar vertrouwd zijn. Zo kon Zembla, erkend kwaliteitsprogramma, wegkomen met journalistiek broddelwerk als ‘De heilige Ayaan’ – mede dankzij bijval van andere praatprogramma’s, een hoogleraar en een onafhankelijk Kamerlid dat zijn enige kans waar zag om geschiedenis te schrijven.

De druk om te conformeren is groot: we weten wat bon ton is, wat je als weldenkend beschaafd mens behoort te vinden, wat ‘buiten kijf’ staat, wat de gezaghebbende stemmen ons voorhouden. Al wat daar niet in past, wordt zo lang mogelijk genegeerd. Maar die eensgezind gekoesterde opvattingen kunnen, zoals we in de afgelopen jaren bij herhaling hebben gezien, in één keer omslaan.

Een van de zaken die buiten kijf staan in Nederland, is dat je niet mag discrimineren – het is misschien wel het grootste Nederlandse taboe. Van een terecht en noodzakelijk verbod op racisme en discriminatie is dat – gevoed door schuldgevoelens over de Tweede Wereldoorlog – uitgegroeid tot een diepgewortelde, cultuurrelativistische afkeer van elke vorm van onderscheid. Alles en iedereen is precies even goed als de rest, en geen haar beter. Hoe vaak hebben we de woorden ‘hoofd’ en ‘maaiveld’ niet gehoord in de afgelopen dagen? Bijna even vaak als ‘gelijke monniken, gelijke kappen’, vermoedelijk.

Deze houding leidt er bijvoorbeeld toe dat hoogopgeleide expats hier door de IND bejegend worden als waren het potentiële drugscriminelen die uit zijn op onze vetpotten. Inmiddels is economisch nut ook een factor geworden bij de toelating van migranten, maar dat mag niet aan de grote klok gehangen: „We voeren het beleid geruisloos in, omdat we bang zijn voor stennis”, aldus hoogleraar migratiegeschiedenis Piet Emmer in NRC Handelsblad van 6 mei. Er zou maar eens discussie van komen.

Het leidde er ook toe dat niet eens zo heel lang geleden – ongeveer totdat Hirsi Ali aantrad als parlementslid – elke vorm van kritiek op de islam of islamitische culturen met het verwijt ‘racisme’ dan wel ‘intolerantie’ van tafel kon worden geveegd.

Hirsi Ali schond het ‘boven het maaiveld’-taboe op alle denkbare manieren. Ze pleitte bijvoorbeeld voor selectie van immigranten. „Ik vind persoonlijk – en dat is geen partijstandpunt – dat je moet selecteren”, zei ze in Nova. „Talentvolle asielzoekers, die bereid zijn de Grondwet te erkennen en daarbij te leven, geen gevaar maar een aanwinst zijn voor de samenleving, verdienen de voorkeur boven de mensen die alles waar Nederland voor staat afwijzen en een vijand worden van de staat.”

Maar erger nog dan al haar controversiële opvattingen bij elkaar was haar eigen uitzonderlijkheid. Hirsi Ali blinkt uit, moeiteloos. Haar carrière is een fenomenale prestatie, zoals ook haar broer zei in Zembla. Ze is iets wat wij in Nederland helemaal niet graag zien: een zelfverzekerde, intelligente, aantrekkelijke, kosmopolitische, bevlogen, eigenzinnige, sterke, internationaal succesvolle en onafhankelijke vrouw. En dan ook nog zo zwart als roet! Geen valse bescheidenheid, nee, Hirsi Ali verontschuldigde zich op geen enkele manier voor haar succes. Onvergeeflijk, in Nederland. Over haar présence op het diner vanTime Magazine wordt nog altijd met verwondering en nauwelijks verholen afkeuring gesproken – te glamorous. Wat had ze dan moeten aantrekken? Een bananenrokje?

Nederland had Hirsi Ali een stuk acceptabeler gevonden als ze net iets lelijker, iets dommer en iets zieliger was geweest. Alle bijval in de afgelopen week is geen toeval: Nederlanders houden van verliezers, net als in ons voetbal. Overigens lijkt voor veel Nederlandse moslims het feit dat ze vrouw is en afvallige nog altijd genoeg om haar het eeuwige hellevuur toe te wensen.

Hoezeer het feit dat ze vrouw is tegen haar heeft gewerkt, blijkt uit de reacties op Hirsi Ali’s pleidooi The right to offend. Een stap te ver, oordeelde ook deze krant. Maar toen Salman Rushdie in 2005 een lezing met exact dezelfde strekking gaf voor de Amerikaanse mensenrechten en schrijversorganisatie PEN, met de titel ‘Defend the right to be offended’ (een positie die door internationale PEN en de Index on Censorship wordt gesteund), stonden tal van Nederlandse intellectuelen te juichen. Rushdie verkondigt elders dezelfde opvattingen als Hirsi Ali, en niet minder scherp. Van hem kunnen we het aanmerkelijk beter hebben.

Dat brengt ons bij de kern van de zaak. Vanaf het begin is het Hirsi Ali te doen geweest om de positie van de – islamitische – vrouw. Ze plaatste misstanden als gedwongen huwelijken, mishandeling, vrouwenbesnijdenis en economische en sociale achterstand met een zekere urgentie op de agenda. Daarvoor koos ze het podium waarvan ze dacht dat het de zaak het beste zou dienen. Haar eigen idealen en overtuigingen plaatste ze boven partijpolitieke overwegingen. De inhoud telde; de verpakking, of dat nou PvdA of VVD was, veel minder. En waar het die overtuigingen betrof, bleek ze niet bereid of in staat om op welke manier dan ook water bij de wijn te doen. Geen handige eigenschap voor een Nederlands politica, die geacht wordt te kunnen polderen in idealen.

Maar ook om andere redenen is haar bevlogen stellingname het grote struikelblok geweest voor Hirsi Ali. De politica richtte zich op de verbetering van de positie van vrouwen. Maar – en dit is één van de redenen dat haar ideeën niet meer weerklank vonden – vrouwen vinden we in Nederland niet zo belangrijk. Hoe anders valt de enorme achterstand te verklaren, ten opzichte van andere westerse landen, op het gebied van arbeidsparticipatie, kinderopvang, inkomensongelijkheid en het percentage vrouwen in leidinggevende posities? Jaar in jaar uit wordt het gemeld in rapporten en onderzoeken zonder dat de overheid daar enige consequentie aan lijkt te verbinden. Vrouwen zijn geen onderwerp om mee te scoren in Nederland.

Crucialer, het heeft er alle schijn van dat Hirsi Ali als idealistische nieuwkomer de rol van idealen en waarden in onze samenleving schromelijk heeft overschat. Vanaf haar eerste publicatie schreef ze met het vuur van de bekeerling over democratische principes, westerse waarden en de idealen van de Verlichting. Ze was daarin consequent tot op het bot. Wie anders zou, uit naam van de vrijheid van meningsuiting, een pleidooi hebben gehouden voor Mohamed Fahmi B., het lid van de Hofstadgroep dat volgens haar onterecht in de gevangenis zit? „Toepassing van de wet mag niet leiden tot uitholling van de open samenleving”, zei Hirsi Ali over zijn zaak. Dat hij haar vermoedelijk het liefst in de hel zou zien branden, met die open samenleving erbij, doet er helemaal niet toe.

Maar, zoals we de afgelopen vijf jaar herhaaldelijk hebben kunnen constateren zijn de Nederlandse idealen en waarden flinterdun. Onze beroemde tolerantie sneuvelde als eerste. Openheid, vrijheid, non-conformisme, de multiculturele samenleving en zo nog wat grote woorden volgden op de voet. Dat heeft bij veel mensen heimwee veroorzaakt naar het fatsoenlijke land waarin ze dachten te leven. De achtereenvolgende kabinetten Balkenende hebben daar het surrogaatproduct ‘normen en waarden’ voor bedacht. Maar dit ad hoc systeem van omgangsvormen, wetten, regels en ‘keihard handhaven’ kan nooit een vervanging zijn voor fundamentele menselijke waarden en breed gedragen principes, zoals Rita Verdonk tot haar schade mocht ondervinden.

Jammer genoeg is het met die Nederlandse idealen en principes beroerd gesteld. Nederlandse waarden volgen de weg van de minste weerstand. Ze houden stand zolang er niets op het spel staat. Zodra iemand luidruchtig bezwaar maakt, smelten ze weg als sneeuw voor de zon. We houden ons veel liever bij ad hominem argumenten.

Een paar voorbeelden. Het homohuwelijk, kleurrijk boegbeeld van Nederland Gidsland. Een handjevol Indonesische studenten is voldoende om Balkenende te doen toegeven dat het bij nader inzien toch niet zo’n groot cultuurgoed is.

Het symposium over de Armeense genocide te Enschede, dat bij nader inzien toch maar niet door kon gaan. Een van de sprekers, Zeki Arslan, onderwijsmedewerker van het multicultureel instituut Forum, werd dusdanig geïntimideerd en bedreigd, onder andere door de in Nederland uitgegeven Turkse krant Dünya, dat hij afzegde. Het hele symposium werd afgelast. Arslan verklaarde zich ,,in de steek gelaten door de Turkse gemeenschap in Nederland, de Nederlandse politiek en de media”. Nederland, een van de landen die de Armeense genocide hebben erkend, is niet bereid om een burger die over dit onderwerp wil spreken, afdoende te beschermen.

In zekere zin is ook het huidige hardvochtige asielbeleid het gevolg van onvrede die is veroorzaakt door de veel talrijkere, zichtbaardere, assertievere en verbaal aggressievere economische immigranten uit probleemgroepen. Het kabinet wil laten zien dat het de immigratie aanpakt, en kiest daarvoor dan de kleinste, kwetsbaarste, minst lastige groep uit, die de minste middelen van verweer heeft: asielzoekers.

Over de buren van Hirsi Ali zal ik het maar helemaal niet meer hebben. Er is slechts één ding dat Nederlandse principes sneller doet verdampen dan een grote bek, en dat is geld. Waarden, idealen, allemaal heel leuk, maar het moet niets kosten. We houden allemaal van grote woorden, maar slechts weinigen zijn bereid er hun nek voor uit te steken. De Nederlandse standvastigheid laat zich kernachtig samenvatten in de onsterfelijke woorden van overste Karremans: „Don’t shoot the piano player.” Daarom krijgen degenen die het hardste schreeuwen hier zo vaak gelijk.

Dit alles maakt Nederland tot een gevaarlijk land, en niet alleen voor Hirsi Ali.

Corine Vloet is Columnist van NRC Handelsblad

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Princess Ayaan and the Grand Sorceress

Princess Ayaan and the Grand Sorceress Iron Rita Verdonk
By Margreet Strijbosch 18-05-2006. Once upon a time...

ان والاميره الساحره كبير من مارغريت ستريبوش 18-05-2006 ايان & كبير الاميره الساحره ريتا فيردونك مره يحكي انه كان هناك الصوماليين الذين فروا الي دوله كينيا والدتها. يعيشون في ظروف مريحه ، ولا الاميره ممتازه التعليم في احد ارقي مدارس البنات في نيروبي. الدها الاثناء تخلف في الصومال ، ولكن عندما تخرجت من المدرسه الاميره قال لها انها يجب ان اتزوج واحده! وقال انه تم العثور علي الزوج الذي يعتقد في نفسه من الله وليس رجل سيء. بحيث اصبح الزواج. بعد عرس الزوج ان يذهب في طريقه الي كندا حيث يعيش ، واتفق علي ان تتابع الاميره اليه لاحقا. بعد سته اشهر ارسل لها تذكره ، وانها هي مغلفه في اكياس. لكن علي مستوي الفكر ، والاميره ان تكون الحياه اكثر مما يعيش مع زوجها والدها قد عثروا عليها. عندما هبطت الطاءره في المانيا علي طول الطريق ، واتخذ القرار : هي لن تعود الي المجلس ، ولكن ان القطار الي هولندا « وهناك ، هل هي بدايه حياه جديده لكل من نفسه! لكن جميع اللاجءين الذين يريدون العيش في هولندا روايه قصه اول الساحره الكبري. الاميره هي تعلم ان اري شيء بسرعه ، وهي تصريحات مخيفه عن حكايه الخمسه الاشباح المرعبه التي لاحقت كل من في الطريق من الصومال والتي هي تمزق اشلاء اذا ذهبت ابدا الي الوراء. الساحره الكبري الفكر وقصه ممتازه ، وقدمت الاميره جواز سفر والترحيب الهديه. علي الجواز وقال ايان هايب علي ، لان ذلك هو ما دعت نفسه. الاميره الان مصمم علي العيش علي اكمل وجه. ودرس وعمل شاق ، وبعد حين انها لا تسمح حتي يصبح عضوا في البرلمان الهولندي. يمكنكم تخيل مدي سعاده الاخرين ان كانت له مثل هذه الشجاعه الابنوس الجميل ، اميره علي زميل. من الذي حارب ولا يقل عن خمسه الاشباح! لكنها اكتشفت اليوم المشءوم في هولندا ايضا ، هناك الاباء الذين تزوجوا من بناتهم ، وضربهم هم للختان ، واحيانا للقتل. الاباء الذين يءمنون بالله نفسه والد الملك الاميره... وهي قد قررت ان تفعل شيءا ، وهي صديقتها ثيو قدم الفيلم الذي ظهر بالضبط ما هي عمل الله الاول علي المراه. لكن الفيلم الذي جعل الرجال والدها في العباده لله غاضب جدا. من هم غاضبون جدا انه ثيو قتل في سبيل الله ، ومن قال ان يفعل الشيء ذاته الاميره. من ذلك اليوم ، وكانت تعيش في القلعه خاصه جدا ، حيث حذر من فرسان جميع الاوقات. بسبب المغامرات الاميره سرعان الشهير ايان جميع انحاء العالم. لكن اخرين غيور ، وشكا من ان الابنوس الامراء يجب ان تري ولا تسمع. لذا يظنون خطه انشاء مخادع... اول ما وجد طريقه الي الاميره ايان يطردون من ماواها القلعه. ثم ذهبوا الي كبير الساحره ، واخبرها ان الاميره لم يحارب حقا اي الاشباح وان اسمها الحقيقي لم يكن ايان هايب لكن علي ايان ماغان. الساحره الكبري لا تريد ارسال الاميره بعيدا. ثم قالت المستشاره غوبلين مهموس هي التفاته الي انها قد تفقد صفتها السحريه السلطات اذا هي لم تفعل ذلك. لذا ارسل الاميره ايان وقال لها : "حتي لو كنت اجمل اميره في كل الارض ، عليك ان يرحل". لكن لحظه حاولت استرجاع ايان دون تمييز ، وكان كبير الساحره فجاه الي حجاره! الاميره نظر في حجر الساحره وولي هاربا والرعب. وهي مغلفه في اكياس بسرعه وهرب للمره الثالثه... اكبر دوله في العالم ، حيث توجد مجموعات اخري الامراء هربن من المنزل. الاميره هنا ايان استمر يكتب كتبا كثيره عن قسوه الرجال الذين يءمنون بالله والدها ، وانها تعيش في سعاده وهناء بعد فيريتالي كما يفعل الامراء. والساحره الكبري؟ حسنا ، ما من احد يسمع بها من جديد...

Once upon a time, there was a Somali princess who fled to Kenya with her mother. They lived in comfortable circumstances, and the little princess enjoyed an excellent education at one of the finest girls' schools in Nairobi.

Her father meanwhile stayed behind in Somalia, but when the princess graduated from school he told her that she must get married at once! He said he had already found her a husband who believed in the same god and who wasn't a bad man. So they got married.

After the wedding, the husband had to go all the way to Canada, where he lived, and it was agreed that the princess would follow him later.

After six months he sent her a ticket, and she packed her bags. But on the plane, the princess thought there had to be more to life than living with the husband her father had found her.

When the plane landed in Germany along the way, she took a decision: she would not get back on board, but take a train to the Netherlands instead. And there, she would start a new life, all by herself!

But all refugees who wanted to live in the Netherlands had to tell a story first to the Grand Sorceress. The princess knew she had to think of something quick, and she told a scary tale about five horrible dragons that had chased her all the way from Somalia and that would tear her to pieces if she ever went back.

The Grand Sorceress thought it was an excellent story, so she gave the princess a passport as a welcome gift. On the passport it said Ayaan Hirsi Ali, because that was what she called herself.

The princess was now determined to live life to the fullest. She studied and worked hard, and after a while she was even allowed to become a member of the Dutch parliament. You can imagine how pleased the others must have been to have such a beautiful, brave ebony princess for a colleague; one who had battled five dragons no less!

But one terrible day she discovered that in the Netherlands, too, there were fathers who married off their daughters, beat them, had them circumcised and sometimes even murdered them. Fathers who believed in the same god as the princess' own father...

She decided she had to do something, so she and her friend Theo made a film that showed precisely what her former god did to his women. But the film made the men who worshipped her father's god very angry. One of them was so angry that he killed Theo in the name of their god, and said he would do the same to the princess. From that day on, she had to live in a very special castle, where knights guarded her all the time.

Because of her adventures, Princess Ayaan soon became famous all around the world. But the others were jealous, and complained that ebony princesses should be seen and not heard. So they thought up a devious plan...

First they found a way to have Princess Ayaan thrown out of her safe castle. And then they went to the Grand Sorceress, and told her that the princess hadn't really fought any dragons and that her real name wasn't even Ayaan Hirsi Ali but Ayaan Magan. The Grand Sorceress didn't want to send the princess away.

But then her goblin adviser whispered into her ear that she might lose her magic powers if she didn't. So she sent for Princess Ayaan and told her: "even though you are the most beautiful princess in all the land, you have to leave." But the moment she tried to take back Ayaan's passport, the Grand Sorceress was suddenly turned to stone!

The princess looked at the stone sorceress and ran away in horror. She quickly packed her bags and fled for the third time...to the biggest country in the world, where there are lots of other princesses who have run away from home.

Here, Princess Ayaan continued to write many books about the cruelty of the men who believe in her father's god, and she lived happily ever after as fairytale princesses do. And the Grand Sorceress? Well, nobody ever heard from her again...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Welcome to Eurabia

In het buitenland vergelijkt men de kwestie Hirsi Ali met Anne Frank,
ook door de nabije buurmensen verraden.
In the summer of 2006 she had to escape to the US after a court ruled in favour of her neighbours who were afraid to share a building with a terrorist target.

Picture of Binnenhof next to parlement The Hague. Court, Ridderzaal of the count's of Holland, build on island in now underground river Haragha
The U.S. Embassy, would be pictured in a frame on the right, are moving to Wassenaar.

Upon publication 13-04-06 of the WRR report
Dynamism In Islamic Activism by the think tank
for government policy following the ban by
EU Lexicon's proper use of language for politicians
confronting the Islamic terrorism issue and naming
Hirsi Islam basher she had to leave the parlement
due to Dutch nationality taken away 15-05-06.

So within months the coordinated efforts of
special branche Technics selecting her safehouses
and timing the predicted outcome of the neighbours
complain at the court of appeal who won of course
since the State unlawfully invaded their building
the court ruled that it contravened Article 8 of the
European Convention of Human Rights which guarantees
respect for a person's private and family life
so 27 august she has to leave this appartement
plus the public StateTV VARA Zembla 11-05-06
broadcasting doubts about her asylum application for
VVD minister Verdonck sanction after an IND report
within 24h on the usage of her mother's name Ali and not
her grandfather's name Magan by stripping her passport
forced Ayaan to give up her seat in parliament.

The 12th graaf, Count or Mark Duke of Holtz-land, woodland later Holland sent 100 ships to the Nile Delta city Damiate and took it´s high harbor towered walls with a wooden tower placed on two boots.

They wanted to trade this Egypt port for the Frankish Kingdom of Jersusalem.
The Sultan gave the keys to the Frankistani Charlemagne in Rome on 30 november 800 because he could not longer protect Jerusalem against the forces along the ways of Horus, the international roads also at the Philestine, seapeople occupied coast and Megiddo to the Eufrat down to Babylon.

De Arabieren hadden de toegang van deze Nijlarm afgesloten door een verdedigingstoren midden in de rivier te plaatsen. Deze toren was d.m.v. zware sperkettingen verbonden met de beide oevers. Door twee koggen met elkaar te verbinden en op dit vaartuig een eigen toren te bouwen, voorzien van een stormladder en een valbrug, wisten de christenen de vijandelijke toren in te nemen. Door deze geslaagde actie konden de Europeanen de aanvoerlijnen van Damiate afsnijden, waarna de verdedigers van de stad in 1219 capituleerden.

Now the Belgium State gives money to 200 muslim "kerkfabrieken" or churchfactories
as they are called in the law and the Flemish islamic organisations are taken over
by Frence speaking Arabs.

News about woontoren bj 2002 Burg. De Monchyplein Haagse beek zijtak vh : Alexanderveld Archipelbuurt; Java etc. NIS News Bulletin: Supreme Court Reopens Hirsi Ali Protection Case

Hirsi Ali first was forced by Leiden police to sell her house fast when the street outside showing the opposite buildings, caracterising pavement with Leiden city bus and woodwork of window filmed from within appeared on TV, cost of the sale charged to her,
She had to leave an other place and later an apartment at the Buitenhof in the Hague, thanks to adress publised in local newspaper "Haagse courant" was put in armycamps and prisoncells with old dusty sneezing/tickeling blankets.
Then the State placed her in a safe house with iron/glas cage build into in a tower in the Hague Ambassade area so they could knew the other owners would complain and win.
The proprioteursclub did not recieve any answer after several letters with their complains to Minister Donner - Justice and other State dept. so they had to go to court to get their right. From the other 14 owners only 3 did not participate in the suit against the Dutch State.

Mme Hirsi states in her memoir Infidel "In April 2006 a Dutch court ordered that I leave my safe-home that I was renting from the State. The judge concluded that my neighbors had a right to argue that they felt unsafe because of my presence in the building."

On the web f.i. small dead animals with "... being forced from your home by court order because your neighbors fear the jihadists who have pledged to kill you ..." blames the eviction on "the neighbors" and not onto the public servants who bought the apartement to house Members of Parliament, kamerleden and invaded the property rights of the other owners of this 15 floor building. She was renting it from the Gouvernement as chosen MP, the case was against her landlord, the State, by the society of owers and deedholders of split parts of this building. It can be a pensionfonds or a bank owning it, they do not have to live there.

So not the neighbors but the legal entity of owners took the responsible ministers to court.
Miss Ali has never been part of this courtcase.

It has to do with the liberties the Dutch governement thinks it can grap by overstepping
the bounderies of it's citizens who when they not would have been assembled in a notarised foundation akte years pior to this piracy never would have been accepted as a legal party
since persons do not have any rights others than drawn from paperised ownership.

According to the Supreme Court, the appeal court in The Hague insufficiently addressed the interests of the State, which has the obligation of protecting certain persons. Now another court that in Amsterdam, must produce a new verdict.

Uit politiek4kids interview; Weet je nog wat het eerste Nederlandse woord was dat je leerde?

‘Mijn eerste Nederlandse woorden waren 'Tot Ziens', 'Alsjeblieft' en 'Strippenkaart'. (Ayaan lacht) Ik zat op dat moment in het asielzoekerscentrum in Lunteren en ging met de bus naar Ede om boodschappen te doen. Om met de bus te gaan had ik een strippenkaart nodig. De mensen van het asielzoekerscentrum lieten ons een strippenkaart zien, ik moest toen voor de spiegel oefenen om het woord strippenkaart goed te kunnen uitspreken. (Ayaan doet voor hoe zij dat toen oefende) "Strippenkaart, Strippenkaart", zei ik een paar keer achter elkaar.’

Denk je vaak terug aan die tijd?
‘Ja, als ik er wel eens over nadenk is het best wel kort geleden dat ik in Nederland aankwam, maar het lijkt alsof het veel langer geleden is.’

Staat tegen de bewoners van appartementcomplex, LJN AY7463 rolnr.C06/124HR der Ned.
Hof Amsterdam moet de zaak over de ontruiming van de extra beveiligde woning van mevrouw Hirsi Ali nader beoordelen.

De Hoge Raad heeft de uitspraak van het hof vernietigd en de zaak verwezen naar het hof Amsterdam dat aan de hand van de door de Hoge Raad gegeven criteria opnieuw moet onderzoeken of de Staat onrechtmatig heeft gehandeld.

Met de inrichting en ingebruikgeving van een extra beveiligde woning zal rekening moeten worden gehouden met de noodzaak juist dit appartement als extra beveiligde woning te gebruiken en met de noodzaak en effectiviteit van de getroffen veiligheidsmaatregelen.

From the luxury apartment towering 11 floor high above the roofs of The Hague with bulletproof windows where Hirsi Ali says about her new book with sparkling eyes;
"I'm going to resurrect the Prophet Muhammad in the New York Public Library".

According to the National Anti-terrorism Coordinator (NCTb), the apartment in The Hague remains available for other people who need protection.
Eigenaren van andere appartementen in dat gebouw, bewoners stelden onrechtmatig daad en vanwege veiligheidsmaatregelen der Staat hinder, overlast en angst door opgedrongen aanwezigheid van mevrouw Hirsi Ali.

6 december 2005 oordeelde de president dat de Staat niet onrechtmatig
heeft gehandeld en wees de vordering van de bewoners af. In hoger beroep
op 27 april 2006 is de Staat bevolen binnen vier maanden het gebruik door
mevrouw Hirsi Ali van het als extra beveiligde woning ingerichte appartement
te beëindigen. Want door mevrouw Hirsi Ali in het appartement te huisvesten
zonder toestemming van de bewoners en zonder maatregelen te nemen om de
gegronde vrees van de bewoners weg te nemen, heeft de Staat onrechtmatig
gehandeld. Hiertegen was minister Donner in cassatie gegaan.

De Advocaat-generaal adviseerde 11 augustus 2006 in zijn conclusie de Hoge Raad
het beroep van de Staat te verwerpen. Bron: Hoge Raad der Nederlanden 20 okt 2006

Ayaan woonde in een hofje achter de Israelische Ambassade en werd door de ware moslim newsgroup at msn bij de ingang gezien. Deze stond te posten bij het Buitenhof plein.
Dat blijkt duidelijk uit de webpage geprint in de krant NRC inclusief internet Hyper Text Tranfer Protocol adres.

The safe housing branche of the State spent over 120.000 euro at her former housing in a hofje behind a multifunctional office building at the Buitenhof 47. She had to leave there after the adress was published in the local newspaper Haagse Courant.

Also a young man was arrested around the turn of the year for pressing all the bells he could find in the middle of the night and people where seen on the rooftops trying to reach this house.

So the clever government special services put her in a tower sandwitched between lower appartmentblocks. No roofs around. Now her government minders have found a house for her which in their view cn be made secure, and the details of her move are being fine-tuned.

Only too easy to buy bow and arrow from a toy shop for 3 or 5 euro and shoot attached firework crackers, throw a moletov benzinebomb eleven floors high or shoot some bullets from the surrounding buildings. Some might even use a bazookah, steal a tank, program a rocket or get a remote control mini helicopter to be smashed. A kite would also work, cost around 2 euro. Uses electric dubblewire for detonation.

Ayaan in in dagblad Trouw zaterdag, 19 februari 2005
sommige grondrechten lijken voor Geert Wilders en mij niet te gelden;

"Het kabinet moet zeggen of de dreiging tijdelijk is -en in welk geval die dan voorbij is- of dat deze permanent is. Ik word al bewaakt sinds september 2002.
Tot nu toe heb ik alle veiligheidsadviezen opgevolgd. Ik heb mijn huis in Leiden verkocht -op eigen kosten, mijn eigen ongemak- en een andere woning heb ik ook weer opgegeven.
Na veel omzwervingen was ik in een appartement op het Haagse Buitenhof terechtgekomen en daar moest ik na de moord op Theo van Gogh ook weer weg."

Het doel van Hirsi Ali van het bekendmaken van de zogeheten safehouses in de media
is het starten van een politieke discussie.

One of the most likely “triggers” for a burst of populist turbulence in Europe would be the assassination of a prominent regional politician by an indigenous radical Islamist individual or terrorist group. For example, several members of the Dutch Parliament (Ms. Hirsi Ali and Mr. Geert Wilders) regularly receive death threats and have been forced to live under official protection in secure locations such as military bases and prisons. AntiIslamic rioting might take place in the Netherlands if either were killed that could spread throughout Europe and lead to the rapid emergence of new populist leaders. Marlise Simons, “Dutch Deputies on the Run, From Jihad Death Threats,” New York Times, March 4, 2005.

The spokesman for the Dutch cabinet officialy does not mention the Hirsi Neighbours case;

"It is correct that a Dutch court ruled that Ms. Hirsi Ali must vacate her residence because of a civil suit filed by her neighbors. I would like to emphasize, however, that the Dutch government has intervened on behalf of Ms. Hirsi Ali and is appealing this case to ensure that she may remain in her residence, if she wishes to."

This is a deliberate misrepresentation of facts by the Ambassador of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands to the United State on May 19, 2006.

The second, court of appeal ruled the State had no permission to use a flat
inside an building where 14 others residing in own part of this building´s
appartements as secured residence for catagory Members of Corps
Diplomatique, Royal house servants and chosen Members of Parlament.
Now the responsible minister Donner has to go to court because of the 7
miljon Euro´s they spend on extra safe houses because Hirsi Ali complained
in the press about the prisons and miltairy army camp places she had to stay.

The Dutch State, according to the Judge in his motivation had permission to build
a bulletproof glas cage inside this appartement since they own it but not to make
the building into a controlled secured zone by installing camara´s and guards asking
the other inhabitants and their visitors for indentification.
Regardsless who is living in it, the cabinet´s ministers are responsible for the
departement who chose and bought this loft.

The presence of a well-known terrorist target in their luxury apartment tower
in the Hague has upset their family lives and reduced the value of their property.
The neighbours also complained of the noise made whilst instaling the glas/iron
blastproof ? cage . Now some people complain she cost the taxpayer between
2.25 and 3 milli. per year. Yes, those privat companies of ex-policemen also get
paid when they sleep their 8 houres on duty and security is bomeing in Holland
thanks to homegrown religiously inspired radicals.

Lawers are also accepting claims up to 195K EURO from three to five unlawfully pre court detained muslims. They want up to 1000 euro or 1200 dollar per day in jail but the State only wants to pay the normal say 195. Some also jeremia their complains about the change of name they have to make to get a job and demand compensation for lost fast lane chances.

Ayaan Hirsi Magan was only paying the rent since the first week of april.Then in december 27 the first court allowed the State this invasion of property. Even prime minister Balkenende in his speech to the forgein journalists makes them believe the suit was by the neigbours against Hirsi Ali. Also the chairman of the Tweede Kamer / Parliament Weisglas plays along with this coverup on his weekboek blog.

The institute for public policy in a piece dated Friday, July 14, 2006 by it´s director Some Trans-Atlantic Challenges blames it on the Tyranny of Opinion: The power of public opinion acting like a legal ruler or in his words; "The modern sovereign, public opinion, declared, “Will no one rid us of this turbulent woman?”--and its courtiers took the hint and dutifully complied, using the modern means at their disposal." read the whole piece;

More ominously, we may be embarked on an era where liberal principles and achievements are undermining themselves. That potential was on display in the Netherlands this spring in the case of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Dutch citizen of conspicuous intellect and courage. She had immigrated to Holland fourteen years ago, obtained asylum status, and energetically assimilated into Dutch society--learning the language, taking a variety of jobs, attending university, and eventually entering politics. But her views, especially on Muslim doctrine and women’s rights, were highly controversial (she is a lapsed Muslim, and had arrived in Holland in flight from an arranged in absentia marriage to a little-known distant relative). Following the murder of a colleague and repeated death threats to herself, she was provided an armed guard and secured residence. Public opinion, fearful of her provocative views and activities and inflamed by outlandish news reports organized by her political opponents, began to turn against her.

In April, a Dutch court evicted Ms. Hirsi Ali from her apartment in response to a lawsuit filed by her neighbors. The court found that her presence violated her neighbors’ right to “feel safe” in their homes--a right guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. That judgement was legitimate as a legal matter and monstrous as an ethical matter. The Convention is enforceable in Dutch courts and provides that “[e]veryone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.” But the decision meant that every Dutchman (and by implication every European) has a right to Ms. Hirsi Ali’s absence from his neighborhood.[1]

That meaning--national banishment--was then effectively affirmed, in early May, when the Dutch immigration minister, relying on false statements in Ms. Hirsi Ali’s 1992 asylum application, revoked her citizenship outright. That decision, too, was both lawful and monstrous. The falsehoods on her application--she had used a grandfather’s last name rather than her father’s, and had claimed to have arrived straight from Somalia rather than via Kenya and Germany--did not require the decision but were legally sufficient for the minister’s exercise of discretion. But the falsehoods were minor, aged, and necessary to a young girl’s escape from intolerable and probably dangerous circumstances; they had been common knowledge in Holland for several years (Ms. Hirsi Ali announced them herself in 2002) and known all along to the immigration minister; and they were similar to the expedients that many thousands of Dutch immigrants have used to obtain citizenship without subsequent threat of revocation.

What is horrendous about the Hirsi Ali case is that a modern, liberal society (indeed a proudly “tolerant” one) should single out a law-abiding citizen and political leader for national exile, essentially on grounds of convenience--and that such a primitive deed should be accomplished by thoroughly lawful, democratic procedures (indeed in the name of “human rights”). The modern sovereign, public opinion, declared, “Will no one rid us of this turbulent woman?”--and its courtiers took the hint and dutifully complied, using the modern means at their disposal.

The Hirsi Ali case is a striking instance of the conjunction of the modern and the primitive in contemporary politics--coming not only in violent form from within primitive cultures (videotaped beheadings, cell phones used to synchronize suicide bombings) but in genteel form from within modern ones. Prosperous nations are finding it necessary to erect physical walls at their borders, and within them the walled town is reappearing. Yahoo! Inc., the libertarian-minded U.S. Internet firm, which a decade ago declared itself immune to the parochial concerns of the nation-state, today collaborates with the political police of the People’s Republic of China in tracking and jailing dissidents. We are witnessing the reemergence of an old paradox in modern, high-tech form: that liberal politics depends for its success on cultural norms and social institutions that liberalism itself distains when it notices them at all.

There are many people in the United States and in Europe who are optimistic about the future, confident that liberal civilization will recover its equipoise and surmount the insidious challenges it is facing. Institutions such as AEI and FAES are repositories of that optimism and will need to be good Atlanticists working together on that common cause.


The Dutch government reinstated Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s citizenship on June 26 in response to widespread criticism of its earlier decision. Then, on June 29, the government itself fell when a coalition party withdrew its support in protest over the earlier decision. In the meantime, Ms. Hirsi Ali had accepted an appointment from the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.; she will begin work as a resident fellow at AEI in September.


1. The neighbors also complained that the security measures adopted to protect Ms. Hirsi Ali constituted an unreasonable nuisance to them. That complaint might have been resolved by modifying the security measures. But the court found that the nuisance complaint had not been adequately demonstrated, and rested its eviction decision on the fact that neighbors “feel unsafe” because of the presence of Ms. Hirsi Ali and her security protections. The ad hominem character of the decision was reinforced when the neighbors agreed to permit the Dutch government to continue to use Ms. Hirsi Ali’s apartment as a safe house with security guard--but with someone in residence other than herself.

Christopher DeMuth is president of AEI. And he is following the official Dutch
media public policy guideline instructionset not to mention the involvement of the demissionair Cabinet of the Sate in this, his;

"In April, a Dutch court evicted Ms. Hirsi Ali from her apartment in response to a lawsuit filed by her neighbors. The court found that her presence violated her neighbors’ right to “feel safe” in their homes—a right guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights"

Does not mention the neighbors took the Dutch Sate to court. This is important.
The lawsuit was not filed against this member of parlement but against the State
or Cabinet of ministers who failed to provide shelter as required by law for chosen members of the tweede kamer.

These grown up statemen allowed iron Rita, blinded by the mediapolls to become partyleader, to strip a representative of the People from her paspoort.

They should be baned and expelt from the Netherlands.

Meanwhile, the scapegoat Ayaan has been driven out as a ritual sacrifice for the Moloch Eurabia and Tony Blair's government is inviting Muslim Brotherhood radicals into the heart of his administration in the hope of drawing the sting from the Islamist scorpion.
Holland is milking the apartheid of segregation under multiculturalism with the silent holocaust of assimilation or "integration". It has sacrificed and exiled its most important secular prophet.

The Dutch government is submitting to the demands of Political Islam to improve its relations with so called Islamic countries, as well as Islamists groups and comply with the political agenda of Islamic regimes and Islamic movements. To its credit, in contrast, the British government never looked for some loophole to kick out the author Salman Rushdie, who for years was the target of Iranian-inspired assassination attempts after ayatholla dead Fatwa.

In May Ali comes over to promote a book, which promises to be as provocative as Submission, this time dealing with Muslim treatment of gays. It will also feature the Prophet transported to modern-day New York, forced by three great western liberal philosophers, Mill, Popper and Hayek, to recognise the failure of many Muslim societies.

In You won't beat terror with tolerance she insists her new employer, the American Enterprise Institute, will let her stoke such dangerous fires, unlike timid old Europe: “I think it is why Europe is going down the drain. The United States seems more comfortable with competing ideas.”

It is easier for the Dutch and the British to blame themselves for Islamic radicalism than to take the difficult steps to counter and stop it in a free society. They continue milking the multiculturalism of apartheid for this polderism welfare state in ones splendit isolation.
As Ayaan gained international fame and was courted by foreign press and institutions, Dutch newspapers began to criticize her as a celebrity for whom the country was too small.

Somali-Born Lawmaker in Netherlands Quit
Hirsi Ali has declined to say what she will do next, or confirm reports she will go work for the American Enterprise Institute. But the conservative think-tank's president, Christopher DeMuth, said in an open letter Tuesday he was "looking forward to welcoming you to AEI, and to America." Dutch media also reported that U.S. Ambassador Roland Arnall had met with Hirsi Ali to tell her the United States will accept her regardless of her Dutch immigration status.

The US ambassador in The Hague, she says, has assured her that he will do everything in his power to help me move to the United States. In fact, the Washington-based American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, has already offered Hirsi Ali a position.

Karlyn Bowman of AEI tells that President Christopher DeMuth extended the offer to her on May 16 to become a resident scholar. Ali had visited AEI last year on a tour with a Dutch female ex. consul or so to several think tanks and spoke to a small group, who were "impressed by her extraordinary odyssey and by her courage, charmed by her easy manner, and also impressed by the scholarly projects she wants to pursue."

Remarks During Press Conference in The Hague by Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy Secretary of State from U.S. Embassy, The Hague May 18, 2006 on his way from Sharm el-Sheikh.

NOS News: Have you talked with your colleagues about the case of Ayaan Hirsi Ali coming to the United States? What more can you tell us about what arrangements have been made with the State Department about her safety?

Mr. Zoellick: It is kind of hard to be in The Hague and miss it don’t you think? (laughter) Look, this is obviously an internal matter in the Netherlands and a subject of great debate, which is understandable. We recognize that she is a very courageous and impressive woman and she is welcome to come to the United States, and I know there are various ideas about how she may participate in various think tanks and others. But the sense that I have is that the Government of the Netherlands is still discussing her ultimate status and that is obviously something for the Netherlands to determine along the way. But she is obviously welcome to the United States and she seems like a very important personage -- who, whether in the U.S. or Europe , we can all learn from.

NOS News: What status will she have once she enters in the U.S.? Depending on how the discussion here will end and on also what arrangements have been made about her safety?

Mr. Zoellick: Well on the first part it’s, as you say and your question suggests, that obviously depends on the ultimate decisions of the Dutch Government.

NOS News: But she will get into the U.S. no matter how the discussion ends?

Mr. Zoellick: She is welcome to the United States as I said and the status obviously depends on ongoing actions going on in the Netherlands. And I am not going to comment on specific security matters but obviously she needs to be taken care of.

RTL News: (inaudible)

Mr. Zoellick: Well that’s a question for the people of the Netherlands and the Government of the Netherlands to determine about nationality. Countries have to make their own determinations under this under their laws we do on occasion -- we do this in the case of the United States. Obviously in the case of the Netherlands there is a debate, an understandable debate about this subject, so that is for the people of the Netherlands and their democracy to determine and not for me.

RTL News: Is it understandable…would the same thing happen in the United States?

Mr. Zoellick: I am not gonna draw comparisons. I think that it’s very clear that -- and this is one of the understandable trials of the period -- that her circumstances have engendered the debate in a democracy that is a healthy process. Like I said, my view of her as an individual is she is welcome to the United States but I am not going to second guess what happens in the Netherlands under your democracy.

The other aspect that should be underlined here is the deep resentment that success and ambition usually generate in The Netherlands. Dynamic careers, success, outspokenness, standing out in the crowd are things that have always been frowned upon, although that has changed a bit in recent years I guess. Still, the Dutch coined the phrase “act normal, that is strange enough” and a very ambitious black Muslim woman who built up a spectacular political career with international allure by holding a mirror in front of the complacent and politically lethargic Dutch was of course not something that would be rewarded with eternal gratitude.

She whirlwind Ayaan was all the more irritating to the enemies of freedom because her skin colour made it difficult to dismiss her as a racist. Indeed, her race is an anti-racist statement in itself. The Somali people are a mix between what old race theorists would have called the “Semitic” and “Hamitic” races. The old school frowned upon race-mixing and taught that it never yielded stable mix-races and that the mixed-race individuals were an ugly and unhappy lot, yet the Somali are on average among the most beautiful human phenotypes on earth. Ayaan Hirsi Ali also gave the lie to claims about low intelligence among Africans, for within a few years she acquired a mastery of the Dutch language that put many native speakers to shame.

Intelligent as she is, Hirsi Ali must have been keenly aware that she was bound to get into real trouble and by that I do not mean a jihadist ready to kill her.
No, her once receptive hosts and former friends will now have the honor of wielding the knife.

Many Dutch hate her for the good maners their money can´t buy. They do not like black
people speak their language beter, more humorus and fluently. Most of them only experienced the West-African women from Surinam who regard the Dutch as uncultivated boeren and Jews.

And now this upper class East-African woman comes along with generations of
culture while they only know what they were told at school and television.
The left hate her for their own cultural and intelectual backwardness.
The Dutch are a culturaly Macdonneldized Nation.

Rita Verdonk Dented by Hirsi Ali Affair washpost: Hirsi Ali said she had pleaded Pasic's case with the minister. "I said, 'Rita, come on, please. I lied, too,'" Hirsi Ali said, recalling for The Associated Press last week the conversation that took place two months ago. "And she told me, 'If I was the minister then, I would also have evicted you.'"

Galen Irwin, Hirsi Ali's former mentor at Leiden University, said Verdonk's decision in the Hirsi Ali case was politically motivated. "Rita Verdonk has party leadership elections to confront, hence the need to show her toughness," he said. "I think there is plenty of opportunism here."

An Internet survey by pollster Maurice de Hond released Tuesday found 49 percent agreed with Barabas Verdonk's decision in Hirsi Ali's case, versus 43 percent who opposed it. De Hond claims a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage point.
Verdoncks want to exploit anti-immigrant sentiment by cracking down on Hirsi Ali
has worked very well for this ex prison warden.

A letter of a psycholinguist in the nrc lately showed Verdonck is with her simple sentences aiming at low and middle educated people wheras other politicians aim at a higher educated audience. Most of the VVD voters are simple shopkeepers, well paid profesionals or own a small company that can not grow because everybody wants to work at multinationals.
They only read the Telegraaf and free newspapers like Metro or get the news by TV.

Rita Verdonck has however an American trained media advisor and campagne man. It is easy to make the people believe asylum seakers are in fact economical refugees.

The Dutch have scapegoated Hirsi Ali. Asylum seekers are viewed as potential cheaters. First they drove her to the highest point of media attention. The liberal VVD party gave her a seat in Parlement before the election three years ago.

The old party garde like Wiegel and Dijkstal who are to blame for the failure of participation by the non western premodern newcomers from Muslim countries to a post modern kapitalistic society and turning Holland in a prison industry have wiped the dirt of their hands on Hirsi blaming her with Islam bashing and polarisation.

Then the same VVD drives her out of the land by minister Verdonck stripping Ayaan of her paspoort to please it's muslim inhabitant's by a Hilter Germany befehl ist befehl und ordnung muss sein new State prescribed moral letter of the law application.

Now the Dutch Cabinet minister Donner says they do not pay for the cost of protection in America and first they said the Dutch State would protect her regardless of the place.

AHA only has been arguing for secularization in the schools and they do not like this.
Some Farizers who need the new apartheid are very worried about public funding of non secular schools reduced; In her battle against Islam, she actually proposed to change our constitution (see page six) and abolish the fundamental freedom of education we enjoy.

The 40 or more Islamic schools isolate children and could breed dangerous militants, she argued, so they should be closed. This free funds for any school art. 23 from 1917 was the end of the "Schoolstrijd", schoolbattle, since 1861 or so when Stateman Thorbecke made laws for public funding of secular highschools and has been left aside for decades within the VVD due to personal circumstances of one it's prominent members Wiegel since in 1980 his first wife got killed in a car crash. This party spokesman on this issue has been sending two nasty open letters within 24 hours to Hirsi Ali that got publised in leading Dutch newspapers like NRC Handelsblad and Volkskrant both publised by PCM and owed by the British APAX investment group.

At the same time another of the grey wolfs network called Dijkstal teamed up with still wellknow politians for the manifest "Eén land, één samenleving", One country, one society pleading for a beter relation between autochtonen en allochtonen.

Allochtonen where invented by law in 1994 for statistical purpose. A child born in Holland is an allochtoon when one or both parents is not born in Holland. An autochtoon has both parents born in Holland. They are the politicians who started the trouble with Islam. The freedom of education means freedom of indoctrination of the childern send to different schools based on their religion, orgin and color not prepairing them for the demands of western kapitalistic reality.

Why sent moslim childern in a timemachine called own culture/religion school dozens of centuries back in civilisation?

These days, Hirsi Ali reports, she's working on a book about Enlightenment values - Voltaire remains a great hero. She plans to have it translated into Arabic, Urdu, and other key languages and distributed around the world in video and audio.
"I'm going to resurrect Muhammad, and he's going to have conversations with [British philosopher Karl] Popper and me and [economic theorist Friedrich] Hayek."
Hirsi Ali smiles. "I hope I live long enough to complete it," she says.

The people are very impatient.
Marcel ten Hooven in the recent book Ongewenste goden (Undesired Gods): “The impatience of the revolutionary spirit is nowadays visible in the ambition to solve the problems with the integration of Muslims and other immigrants within one generation in a Shortcut to Enlightenment ( title of the book Hirsi Ali is writing now for the AEI, the big brother of the Burke Foundation).

Ayaan leaves behind a country where a large Muslim minority lives isolated from mainstream society, in part because of social prejudice ( the political correct apartheid of multiculturalism)

Racial classifications, however prettily they’re dressed up, are--and always will be--the same old classifications that have played such a terrible role in Holland. They separate us along lines of race and ethnicity, reinforcing racial and ethnic stereotypes, and turning citizens into strangers.
Despite death threats, Ayaan continues not only to criticize Islam's treatment of women but to warn that militant Islam is spreading unabated throughout Europe.

Ayaan is trying to raise awareness of an uncomfortable reality: Muslim immigrants of Arab and Middle Eastern origin make up significant part of the populations in Holland, Belgium, Germany, France and even Switzerland. Most are young and unassimilated. Too many have been indoctrinated by the same virulent hateful, anti-West, anti-modernity, propaganda that infects youth in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, or Egypt, and, often, by the same set of charismatic religious preachers who are essentially illiterate even in purely Islamic thought and philosophy. Many of these mosque imams are imported to European countries from their countries of origin to preach to disaffected, unemployed, first or second generation Muslims.

Modern Dutch society was built on the concept of "pillars": different communities were free to keep to their own identities. In all the villages 35 years ago where 5 bakeries, 4 groceries, 3 to 5 different churchbuilings and so on for the protestants, katholics, hervormden, luthersen, etc.

They were only buying from their own people. If you went to the wrong shop they did not want to sell. People were encouraged to accept their neighbours but not necessarily assimilate.
And on such a run of mankind, who have been living for centuaries apart, politics wants to force acceptance of the rapid public space and society change by the heaping influx of migrants. Now in Rotterdam the politicians want only Dutch to be spoken!

When the first waves of Muslim migrants arrived as "guest workers" in the 1960s and 1970s, there was little pressure to integrate. But the children of these immigrants were born at a much faster rate than the native Dutch. At an almost 4 to 1 ratio. Currently, the majority of children under the age of 14 in the three largest cities are what the government describes as "of non-Western background." Most of these are Muslim -- and they are radically changing Dutch society.

Two years ago, a Dutch all-party parliamentary report concluded that efforts to build a harmonious, multi-ethnic country had failed. 16 miljard Euro down the drain in 20 years. It pointed to growing ghettos of ethnic Moroccans and Turks, with decreasing integration. Like in Germany now totaly impossible to penetrate by the recherche.

"Our policy is not working," says Jeroen Dijsselbloem, spokesman on integration and migration policy for the left-centre Labour Party. "The number of social contacts between groups is going down. Instead of moving toward an integrated society, segregation is almost complete."

About 10 percent of the Dutch population of 16 million is defined as having "non-Western" roots, 1 million of them Muslims, mostly from Turkey and Morocco. Among the young in the big cities such as Rotterdam, immigrants are in the majority.

Bourzik said the dispute over possibly stripping prominent Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali of Dutch citizenship after the Somali-born member of parliament admitted lying to win asylum showed the need for immigrants to fight for their rights.

"There will be a day in Holland, and in Rotterdam, when you cannot act without these groups. If you look at Rotterdam now, it is 47 percent immigrants and we know that immigrants are the only ones having babies," he said.

The "parallel" Muslim societies suffer from much higher levels of unemployment and poverty.
And the influence of a rigid and conservative Islam is growing. Because of the high birthrate there are more moslim kindergarten then other creches in the four big cities Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and the Hague the welfare state will no longer be payable. In fact 6 out of 10 childern in the big cities are from non Dutch orgin.

The left has deserted the working class, despise and spit on them and are kissing the immigants. Now 9 out of 10 moslims vote for the PvdA and the workers shift ultra nationalistic. City officials do not live in the cities anymore. They have no connection with the people they should be providing services for. They live in nice big villa´s in the country side. All been paid for by their tribialism.

The governement has sold already the social health care system, they have privitezed the public energy and gas service and the drinking water will follow. They lower tax for company raiders to start up an office in Holland and multinationals who worldwide already pay less then 0.01 procent tax over their total nett profit. Now the Gas Unie has said the gas for 2007 is sold out for industrial users who were closing factories anyway because of the thanks to privatisation higher prices.

121.000 Dutch, the highest number ever, have left the Netherlands in 2005 and never so little driving lincences have been issued as last year. Let´s say a quarter returns within 7 years. This saves the State a 2.5 procent reduction on the AOW 65+ retirement money per year abroad so one loses 10 procent of this old age statepension per 4 years of absence.

The Dutch go to Afganistan to boast up the to a quarter of workable optimum dropped worldstock of medical opium derivians and to protect the supply chain to the 19 out of 20 heroine addict streetwalking girls via the laboratoria in Iran to the Turkish who bring it on the European market to finance their mosques and buy their way into real estate agencies, phone and grocerieshops, islamitic shariah compaitable Banks, manpower agencies, schools, political parties etc.

The army will find itself in a province between lower part of mountains with a few long valleys, a foot of dust and in between Pakistan and Iran. Just as stupied as they where to accept Screbenitza. They only know pancake landscapes and will fail. That area is very good for opium.
This action in Afganistan will raise the number of present veterans from 140.000 to 150.000
since they will bring in over 3 years 1.600 men and women per 1/2 year.

While this being a "peace action" no help from the goverment for these men and women is
too be expected in terms in trauma treatment, not fitting anymore in the civil live problems, etc. emerging years after their return.

Governments allow so much oil to be bought from the Arabs that the CO2 heats up earth and the permafrost is melting thus miljens of years of swapgas evaporites into the atmosfeer so the ozon layers disappear and people get skincancer and sunbuns plus both the icecaps melt and change of climats and gulf stream makes more huracanes so the people in the States have to buy Spec Util. Vehikels for off the road driving and now produce an amount of gas that eleminates the Kyoto aimed reduction.

The Dutch allowed the uranium gas centrifuge technology to be stolen to Pakistan and Iran.
The Dutch even supplied the chemicals for the gas Saddam's Iraq used against the Koerds or who ever. The Dutch are in fact very friendly to their many moslimfriends.

War is also good for profit. A laundry man in Bagdad is paid say 7 dollar per day and it is charged to the Bush Administration for 40 or more dollar per hour and nobody complains. 1/3 of the National gard was in Iraq during hurrican Katrina. Now the maffia has permission to open casino's on land in stead of on floating vessels. Otherwise they refused to reinvest.

Now we have George W. Bush, leader of the free world, telling us, before invading Afghanistan in 2001, that he was doing it as much to free the country's women as to hunt down Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar. Five years later, the Taliban is making a serious comeback, and the country's new Constitution prohibits any laws that are contrary to an austere interpretation of Sharia.

Furthermore, among the twenty-odd reasons that were foisted on the American public to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was, of course, the subjugation of women; this, despite the fact that the majority of Iraqi women were educated and active in nearly all sectors of a secular public life.

Three years into the occupation, the only enlightened aspect of Saddam's despotic rule has been dismantled: Facing threats from a resurgent fundamentalism, both Sunni and Shiite, many women have been forced to quit their jobs and to cover because not to do so puts them in harm's way. Why Mr. Bush does not advocate for the women of Thailand, the women of Botswana or the women of Nepal is anyone's guess.

The soldier boys and girls are recruted from the poorest state of the USA.
They will get into situations they will never be able to speak about with anyone.

The payment of privat soldiers running around without uniforms is threefold the army salary. And the Bush Administration is still paying for their friends who supply these services.

The Dutch f.i. sold 202 tanks for 18 miljoen Euro to a nice Dutch harborbaron of Rotterdam who sold them for 78 miljen Euro to Chili. That's a nice markup. That's almost fourfold. 400 %. And only the cost of shipping and administration because the State can be paid after 6 months plus paperwork for the state exportcredit insurrance coverage. They also allowed the modifications to be done in order to get sold at the RDM a shipyard that went bankrupt on this. The Dutch tax also allowed the payment to be recieved at Joep van den Nieuwenhuizen´s company at Curacou thus avoiding miljins of income tax.

So these kind of payments are the accepable way for political parties generating exorbitant profits for benefitiers of their campagnes.

The American Congess was also very friendly to Hilter. In fact the congresmen en legislators never stoped paying to his Nazi regime even after the Neurenberger race laws in 1934.
No, they payed this dictator till spring or summer 1942 and even visited nice working camps.

Grandfather Bush was also good friends with August Thyssen who left Germany in 1917 or so and started a Bank in Rotterdam and sourced nazi robbed jewish money into Amerika.
Father Bush ex head of the CIA was very good friends with the father of the modern Robin Hood Usama binladen who had the sole right to build in the holy places Mecca and Medina, palaces and oilplants etc.

His son President Bush and the hero of the muslim world Laden are not good friends anymore.
Usama sent two planes into the World Trade Center Towers at the right height so they collapsed. That's his way of thanking the Bushes for their profitable friendship with the Sauds.

Now the iraq people do not like Amerika anymore since Bush killed several 100.000 civilians.
So the Iraq´s nicely can destroy Amerika´s "friend" Israel for them.

Amerika created Usuma the base man in Afganistan. Same as it made Hoessein.
Same as the "christian" world allowed Hilter and the Vatican to finnish their genocide and slaughter of half of the jews that were living in Europe before the second world war plus over 1.000.000 Gypies and Roma.

They polute the globe with oil, atombombs and war.
That is what the government of free enterprise does for earth's futher inhabitants.
They will be selling non toxic air in a few decades and go living on planet Moon.
Let the Islam have the globe. Space enough in outer space if you can steal your way out.

Here is the institutionalised crap WRR report.

It is invalid because it lacks the HISTORICAL analyse of
the wild spread of the militair machine called Islam since it
crossed the Eufrat and now takes over this side of the Rijn.

The Dutch also conclude that the Muslim Brotherhood have shifted the most in the direction of accepting democratic principles and norms. Perhaps they do but Islam shariah banking with
40 procent rendement in Malysia does not. They want a new form of tribal Nation capitalism.
It is worst then the Sovjet's communism. It is global and not restriced to parts of the world.

Yeh, the Muslim Brothers got 88 seats in the Egptian parlement after bombing Mubarak´s son playgrond Sjar at the point of Sinai where a permanent OIC will be stationed.
They just want to impose the Nation of Islam, the World Kalifaat, the Islamic form of kapitalism packed as muslim religion ruled by a few strong pion men.

Summary - Dynamism In Islamic Activism.
Reference Points For Democratization And Human Rights (Translation: Kate Delaney)

Since the 1970s there has been an increase in the significance of Islam as a political factor: so-called Islamic activism. Various manifestations of this phenomenon have led to considerable tensions and violent conflicts, not only within the Muslim world itself, but also in (relationships with) the West and the Netherlands. The interrelatedness of what occurs outside and inside national borders means that what takes place elsewhere may also have consequences for the internal relationship between segments of the population. A climate of distrust and fear has arisen between Muslims and non-Muslims, and also within the Muslim community itself at times. Communication about ‘Islam’ now only takes place through intemperate images and inflated words, such as a ‘clash of civilizations’ or an ‘irreconcilability of Islam with democracy and human rights.’

Research question
This report investigates the characteristics and dynamics of Islamic activism. It poses the question of whether, and in what respect, the manifestations of this activism since the 1970s offer reference points for democratization and the improvement of human rights. It also investigates which policy perspective on the part of the Netherlands and Europe can reduce the tensions surrounding Islamic activism in the longer term and can support processes of democratization and the improvement of human rights.

With this report, the Council intends to formulate a policy perspective that will contribute to reducing the tensions with and within the Muslim world with regard to issues of Islamic activism. The Council considers it essential that this perspective be based on knowledge of the actual developments and characteristics of this activism. At the same time, the Council does not intend this report to be a description and analysis of all facets of this activism, including the well-known negative manifestations. The emphasis is on positive reference points for policy directed towards democratization and human rights in Muslim countries.

This report is directed towards the Dutch government. By their nature, the international developments discussed in this paper demand efforts of international policy. For this reason, the report primarily explores the policy possibilities available to the EU. It is precisely within this larger context that the Netherlands can exert influence. The starting points for the EU’s external policy also have implications for relations with Islamic activism in the Netherlands.

The relationship between Islamic activism and democracy and human rights is examined along three dimensions, namely:
- Islamic-political thought,
- Islamic-political movements, and
- Islamic law.

Reference points
The report finds that Islamic activism does indeed offer reference points for democratization and human rights. Each of the three investigated dimensions shows, in this respect, great diversity and dynamism. Even though these are only tentative reference points and much uncertainty still exists, it is inaccurate to assume that ‘Islam’ in a general sense is at odds with the acceptance of democracy and human rights.

On the level of Islamic-political thought there are indeed many thinkers who reject important principles for the polity of the state, such as the separation of church and state, democracy, constitutional government, and human rights, as incompatible with Islamic principles and the supremacy of Islamic law. Yet, alongside these opinions, which shape much of the image of Islam, there are increasingly more thinkers who strive for these same principles precisely on Islamic grounds. They turn away from dogmatic approaches that claim that the precepts of the sacred sources should be followed to the letter. Rather, they are more concerned with the spirit and expressive power of these sources in relation to current circumstances. Thinkers holding such views can now be found in many Muslim countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, and Egypt, for example. This modernizing mode of thought can even be found in Iran, a country that has now had a quarter century of experience with Islamic theocracy.

The recent history of Islamic-political movements in the Muslim world also reveals a large degree of diversity and dynamism. Such movements do not form a homogenous, unalterably radical, and always violent threat. Transnational terrorism that concentrates on jihadist actions is, of course, threatening. Alongside this, however, there are a number of Islamic

movements with very diverse aspirations, including groups seeking reforms within the existing political systems. Moreover, Islamic-political movements in many Muslim countries have abandoned their initially radical attitude in favor of a pragmatic political standpoint. The movements most strongly oriented towards the political arena, such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, have shifted the most in the direction of accepting democratic principles and norms. In doing so, they distance themselves from absolute truths and become familiar with the positive workings of democratic principles and human rights.

In the last few decades many Muslim countries have been exposed to the pressure of introducing elements of Islamic law. The views on what Sharia contains, however, are quite divergent, ranging from very general guidelines to concrete codes of behavior. Thus there are large differences not only in the laws based on Sharia, but also in how these laws should be put into practice. The Islamization of law since the 1970s has had limited scope in most countries; exceptions are countries like Iran, Pakistan, and Sudan. Additionally, the first wave of Islamization has not been not followed by a second; rather, there has been a decline in the influence of strict interpretations of Sharia on national law in the last fifteen years. Even when Sharia plays a formal role, it seems that this gradual modernization of the law is not excluded. Thus the reform of marriage laws has gone forward in most countries despite activism. In reaction to universal human rights, ideas about Islamic human rights have been developed in the Islamic world. In addition to sharing similarities, these two concepts also demonstrate important fundamental differences. Nevertheless, here, too, there appears unmistakably a tendency towards gradual rapprochement.

Policy Perspective
The member states of the EU cannot permit themselves to stand aloof. An inwardly focused Union which renounces external ambitions only creates an illusion of security that does not remove the existing vulnerability. Furthermore, aloofness means that Europe fails to make use of its chances, which indeed exist, for supporting promising developments in the Muslim world. For this reason, the WRR argues for an active and, wherever possible, constructive attitude on the part of EU member states. This policy encompasses the following points:
- taking into account the diversity of Islamic activism;
- recognizing Islamic activism as a potentially constructive political and juridical factor in the development of Muslim countries;
- associating with endogenous processes and courses of development which promote democracy and human rights;
- investing in an informed public opinion about Islamic activism and the main features of the policy in this area.

Between and within Muslim countries there are many different interpretations of the way in which Islam relates to politics, democracy, and human rights. Whether Islam and democracy can coexist, and whether Islamic legislation is at odds with human rights, cannot be established in any general sense but differs according to particular views and/or practices of Islam or Sharia, and may also change over time. The Netherlands and the EU will have to invest in knowledge of these different views and practices as a foundation for a policy concerning Muslim countries.

Constructive or not
In the past, the EU, in its advocacy of democratization and the improvement of human rights in neighboring Muslim countries, primarily put its hopes on non-religious movements and parties, even if these groups had little political support within the local population. It becomes increasingly apparent, however, that ignoring the political and juridical agendas of religious activism offers no solution and may even be counterproductive. Not only does such a stance discourage Islamic groups with substantial followings who are prepared to pursue gradual political liberalization from within the existing system, but it also fuels the widely-held view amongst ordinary citizens in the Muslim world that secularism and (Western) democracy, by definition, serve anti-religious interests. This will only fan the demand for Islamization, either because radicals will receive more support from the population for their religious views, or because political rulers themselves will play the conservative ‘Islamization card’ in order to maintain political legitimacy.

The EU and the Netherlands should no longer rule out in advance Islamic movements as potential interlocutors, but should be guided by the concrete political actions of these groups. They should strongly support groups moving towards the acceptance of democracy and human rights and condemn groups which move away from this goal. In addition, they must develop more positive incentives to be able to encourage and reward reforms. Furthermore, they must be prepared to levy sanctions in the case of serious violations of human rights. In the case of Euro-Mediterranean policy, this may amount to the (temporary) suspension of a partnership agreement. In this way, the Union allows space for different courses of democratization and the progressive realization of human rights, while at the same time maintaining its own values in this area.

Endogenous dynamism
Democracy and human rights cannot be permanently imposed from outside. The Netherlands and the EU should influence without lecturing and accept the fact that within an Islamic frame of reference democracy and human rights may sometimes (provisionally) be worked out in a manner different from that which is customary in Western countries. In many respects, Muslim countries do not satisfy contemporary international standards regarding democracy and human rights. In this, for that matter, they do not differ from many (other) developing countries. Precisely because of this, the question of whether and how they wish to aim for improvement is crucial. Serious reforms in the direction of international standards deserve support, including those which proceed from an Islamic discourse. Progressive improvements of human rights in many Muslim countries are simply easier to accept if they can be imbedded in the local tradition and culture. This is illustrated by the new family legislation in Morocco; considerable improvement in women’s rights has taken place under the banner of Sharia.

Implications for the Netherlands
Internal European and Dutch relations also demand attention to diversity and dynamism. This, however, will require a cultural shift. To date, political and public debate in the Netherlands demonstrates insufficient knowledge of Islam and the many Islamic-political movements and schools of thought. Governments should support active and especially structural initiatives which broaden the supply of information about these themes among Muslims and non-Muslims. Structural contributions may serve as an excellent counterbalance to the one-sided information and influence mechanisms, such as that of ‘web Islam’ practiced by radical factions.

In the Dutch situation, the formation of parties (partially) based on Islam or Muslim identity can offer a constructive contribution to political debate. Political parties inspired by Islam can give voice to those who do not feel themselves to be represented in the Muslim representative bodies. Such parties attest to the aspiration for participation in the existing institutions and according to the democratic rules that obtain.

A climate of confrontation and stereotypical thinking does not create stable conditions for security, democratization, and increasing respect for human rights. The only advisable alternative is to engage the reference points for democracy and human rights in Islamic activism itself. The analyses presented in this report demonstrate that these reference points, indeed, exist.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ayaan at Coop Book shop and Harvard Uni

She was speaking at the Coop in the afternoon and appearing at Harvard at night
Petitedov photos

Questions and Answers in Auditorium

Friday, May 05, 2006

She can only pass the ignorance

Update from Vanderbilt 18-03-08 : Because of Islam, Ali argued, " women are kept ignorant
and dependent, " two traits that mothers pass down to their daughters on
" But [at present] all these women are just babymachines*. " *pregnancy 10..15+
quote interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali in Melbourne on June 6, 2007

One of the conclusions of modern women studies and feministic literatuur
is the mother´s passing the given cage to their daughter´s and son's.

They are products of their mothers, whose husbands inflict ignorance on them as they simply become baby manufacturers the ignorance is passed on to them, and they have no set of values. We [Muslims] have only ourselves to blame.

Radical Islamist parties claim that the family is the cornerstone of society and that women, by virtue of their reproductive powers, are its builders.

Muslim women "are virtually excluded from any public and political life," and legislation "puts women at a severe disadvantage."

The cause is what Hirsi Ali calls "tribal morality," Islam's obsession with a woman's virginity. Because Islam makes it a "dogma," writes Hirsi Ali, "a woman who withdraws from the virgins' cage is branded a whore" and the "essence of a woman is reduced to her hymen."

As an interpreter for immigrant Muslim women in the Netherlands, Hirsi Ali discovered how battered this regime of imposed inferiority sometimes leaves Muslim women. When Dutch social workers would ask them what they wanted, Hirsi Ali observed, many would answer, "What my husband wants," or "As Allah wishes." The author comments: "They had never learned to want anything for themselves."

The Japanees for housewife, indoor creature, confirms her life time of house arrest in various patriarchal cultures like Islam teaching them prays and fasts not read and neither write.
During the three week mei-reces from Parlemential duties able to book promotion tour the Sates coast Hirsi Ali gave an NY wire network npq LA interview.

An other Somalilady about her; Ayaan talks about women being oppressed under Islam. In her interviews, she explains the title of her book as “ when I say a cage virgin, I mean the way women are treated in Islam confining her of a life time of house arrest, and because she is not only a wife and sister, she is also a mother , when she bears children, boys, she then gets the chance to bring them up, but if she is ignorant, … she can only pass the ignorance, the humiliation which she lives there by putting not only herself but whole of a society in a cage”

Some people are not so happy with this and try to ridiculize her, f.i. excuse my Frence, par example may I quote You on That ? Somali Lady, why do you zapped your blog a few mounths ago? I did not finish reading about the various food, and I quote again;

She discuss about her beef with Islam, however she comes across very ignorant. She also talks about how she was threatened by some people who claim to be Muslims. I definitely agree that Ayaan Should be challenged, however, instead of a man with long bearded, armed with a even longer dagger should challenge her, I would much preferred Ayaan should be challenged by a Muslim Woman with a Hijab armed with the knowledge of Islam: the Qur’aan, Hadith and Sharia Law.

Join project Ijtihad for unlock the door of knowledge and freedom from old books. Why should one need Arabic writing to cage ones God given soul?

She goes on talking about a lot of nonsense, and about women’s rights. One wonders has this woman ever read the qur’aan and understood what it is saying, there is a whole chapter that talks about Women’s rights, Suratal Nissaa, let her show us any other religion in the world that clearly divines women’s right. She talks about the Qur’aan and the Hadith being out dated, what does she think the word of Allah can be change in a wimp like it is piece of legislation that can be amended? She will find her answer in the Qur’aan what Allah said about his words being changed or distorted. No one can do that, If she wants to amend the qur’aan maybe she should get together with Libya’s Qadaafi and ask a copy of his green book, his version of the Qur’aan. Siyaad Barre of her Somalia tried to change one ayah/verse, saying that women are equal to men. Were is he now, don’t want to know and don’t care.

And look what happend to the writer of the book Satanic Verses. The Profeet let write inspirited by his daimon Gabriel, workless Angel of Paradis and snakes by 42 writers on stones and shoulderblades of camels. Some say poems and lines have been removed from the canon of Mohammed's "Qur'an" writings like the Hieroglyphen three gees, those high flying cranes.
Neter is the word for diverse divinities in Egyptian religion; the Somali equivalent is nidar, the righter of wrongs. Somalis say: Nibar baa ku heli (The Nidar will find and punish you). The Egyptian word of spirit (ba) has the Somali equivalent of bah (soul, courage). Somalis say: bahdii baa lata saaray (His essence and soul have been taken out from him; he has no more courage). There is also an equivalent for the Egyptian moon diety Ayah in the Somali dayah (moon).

Ayaan talks about marriage, women being forced into marriage by her parents and she attributes this horrific of human rights violation to Islam. I will say that Ayaan is again ignorant woman; she does not know the difference between the of Islamic Sharia law and the culture. Sharia Law also Cleary divines the rights of a woman under Islam, what she is confusing is a cultural practice that date pre-Islam.

What does Islam says about women and marriage: A parent cannot force woman/girl into marriage if she does not like the person she is being forced to she has the right to refuse, she cannot also be denied of marriage if she wants to marry a man. By Sharia Law, if a woman wants to marry a man, and her family refused her of that marriage, as long as that man is Muslim, the woman can go to the Judiciary system in her land, and ask them to appoint another guardian so she can get into a legal marriage with the man she wants to marry. This frees her of the father/brother/uncle or whomever that is objecting by being her guardian.

The other side of the coin, if a woman does not wish to marry a man, she has a right to object it in front of a judge, no woman can be married unless the Judge/Qali who is performing the marriage rite asks her directly face to face if she has any objection to the marriage, this means the woman has a right to reject any man she does not wish to marry and her rights is preserve under the Sharia Law, just incase the father or male guardian is forcing her into a marriage, she objects and under Sharia Law, the judge should stop performing the marriage right, no woman can be force into marriage against her wish.

So why can a women not be judge or writer in a Sharia Law Court?
The age of consent? Very few are, most are not huwbaar en willig or mariable and willing teenage girls. See Die Fremden Bräute -- the foreign brides. This year, thousands of teenage girls, very few past the age of consent, will arrive in Germany from Turkey for arranged marriages and lives of domestic servitude enforced by tradition, isolation and fear.
It's a thriving one-way trade that has been going on for more than three decades.

Ayaan talks about virginity and Female genital mutilation, does Ayaan even knows where the FGM practice came from. She is so ignorant; again FGM has nothing to do with Islamic practice. FGM, came from the Egyptian Pharaohs, at the time the Pharaohs were ruling Egypt and its environment, they used to practice FGM, their daughter were circumcise to show purity, that practice tickled down on the higher echelon of the ruling people. The higher echelon imitated the Pharaohs and also circumcised their girls, as anything practices by the powerful, it too was soon imitated by the lower people and it spread through the lands. The Pharaohs are gone, however their ignorant practice up to today continue, this is against the practice of Islam.

Blame it on for millemiums dead Kings!, why not. Cleopatra VII was the last, died 33 year before common era and Egypte was conquered by islam elite-slaves 700 years later but after 21 centuries are still to blame for muslim ignorance of Islam. On the website of the Egypian Cairo based white haired femiste naawadii or so is the story of the Pope from Rome sending centuries ago a team of investication to Egypte. They concluded the women´s reduction of the size and shape of the genital parts would increase the girl´s marriage chances. Also they raported Egypian women had the biggest . in the world. Perhaps being poor priest having only mixture with certain women completly unawear of the womb man´s kind mysteries !

This practice has been untouched by Islam rulers since they took Memphis founded in 3000 BCE by Fighting Hawk and later Thebes via Syriah and Gaza to control the sea route to India. Mosty East African old Upper Nile delta civilisations and Cush admistrated Lower Nile countries do FG cutting and mutulation but Islam has managed, besides chopping heads of christian girls four months as prescribed by the shariah law after it replaced the 25 year old Dutch laws in Indonesia, to spread it as far as Malasia and Jakarta now a days.

Christian Egyptians, Copts as well as the Cushite women born of Jewish faith from Ethiopia do this to their daugther´s. Perhaps the orgin is a pre dynastic pharaoian matriarchaat women practice. And Abraham was born in Ur, went up river to Shyriah and down to Egypt and
the Koran was not written in Arabic but Armenian/Shyrish, the language of the angels and
used for administration in the pre Arabic Semitic world. Muhammed's family was very poor.
They only got the right to protect the Ka'aba out of the inherentance whilst the other part of his tribe got Medinna. How to make money out of slave religions has been made quite clear over the last millenia.

She talks too much about rights of the person, rights of the woman, right of this and that, all these so call rights practice today by many Christian world, is derived directly from the Islamic Sharia.

Some scholars claim sharia is for 95 0/0 the same as seculized western personal right usage but this one out of twenty difference is the trouble with Islam. Scorpions are also 5 0/0 non toxic.
The sharia is a mozaiek out of practical Roman, Jewish, Christian and all the civilatiations Islam culture assimilated so far.

Ayaan is too ignorant, she talks about nonsense, and we dare her to take a challenge from the Islamic women! If she is afraid of crowded places, let her come to the challenge from the women of Islam through the web, she can connect to anywhere she is hiding, and it can be broadcast through the internet.

Hi Yasmin, here she is in a broadcast in vblog format video made for Dutch vpro TV around male circum cission mother why was I circumcised. If you would only listen to the sound of her voice you know she means well and talks sense too.

Here in Holland 9 out of 10 removels of the forskin appeared booked as medical needed and over the last 30 years paid by the Dutch State general social medical insurance. So they privetized it beginning this year. Dutch National Health Drops Circumcision Payment. There where about 15.000 male cirumcisions per year for religious reasons . This doubles up to 30 K moslim baby girl's and boy's born in the Holland lowland's each year from non western pre modern cultures.

This becomes a puzzle with a total birthrate in the Netherlands of less than 180.000 per year. Since 1 of 6 newborn will be in a decade 1 out of 5 meaning 20 0/0 of the Dutch are Moslim´s from non western civilisations in 11 years or. And all the work shifts to China.

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