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Why information about Ayaan Hirsi Ali ? Aha krijgt telkens veel media aandacht, op tv, in de printmedia, tijdschriften en was/is de meest geciteerde nieuwe politica. Het is grappig om de verspreiding van informatie over het internet per nieuwsfeit qua snelheid en hoeveelheid te vergelijken. Cher Ayaan, Je vous prie de trouve annex;

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Aha, geen gewoon Afrikaans meisje

Update: more cloggies at the White House
"Volkskrant Magazine wint Mooiste Cover 2006" en "Green card" is wit! ( zie foto )


"During a small, private ceremony held in his Washington D.C. office, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Emilio Gonzalez presented Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali with her green card (Alien Registration Card) yesterday afternoon." USCIS News Release, Sept. 25, 2007.

Dat zou dan Dinsdag geweest moeten zijn. Ayaan Hirsi Ali mag zich officieel Amerikaanse noemen lezen wij expliciet in de elsevier verder;
Dinsdagmiddag, tijdens een speciale besloten bijeenkomst in Washington D.C., kreeg zij haar zogeheten Green Card in handen van immigratiedienstdirecteur Emililo Gonzalez.

In zijn speech noemde Gonzalez Hirsi Ali een moedige vrouw die in de strijd om het vrije woord haar leven buiten Amerika in gevaar heeft gebracht. ‘Vandaag verwelkomen we haar in Amerika als permanente burger. We verwelkomen haar met de bescherming die de Amerikaanse grondwet biedt en moedigen haar aan te blijven spreken over onderwerpen die haar passioneren.’

Hirsi Ali zelf zei in een korte toelichting overweldigd te zijn met emoties, grote trots en dankbaarheid om tot een van de vele immigranten in dat land te worden gerekend die zich hard maakt voor het vrije woord zonder angst voor vervolging.
dan valt vooral de uiterst beroerde uberzetzung, hoogst onbeholpen taalvaardigheid en zelfs
onjuist Nederlands en zeer beperkte Elsevier woordenschat op in afwijking van de oorspronkelijke tekst;

green card

News Release
September 25, 2007

Becomes Permanent Resident During Special DC Ceremony
Washington, DC

– During a small, private ceremony held in his Washington D.C. office, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Emilio Gonzalez presented Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali with her green card (Alien Registration Card) yesterday afternoon.
An outspoken defender of women’s rights in Islamic societies, Ms. Hirsi Ali was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. She escaped an arranged marriage by immigrating to the Netherlands in 1992, and served as a member of the Dutch parliament from 2003 to 2006. While in parliament, she worked on furthering the integration of non-Western immigrants into Dutch society, and on defending the rights of women in Dutch Muslim society. Bron: www.uscis.gov

“Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a courageous woman who in exercising her right to free speech from outside of the United States put her very life in jeopardy,” said Director Gonzalez. “Today, we welcome her to the United States as a permanent resident. We welcome her to the protection provided by the U.S. Constitution and encourage her to continue speaking out regarding those issues she feels passionate about.

In a brief statement, Ms. Hirsi Ali said, She was “overwhelmed with emotions and filled with great pride and gratitude to be counted as one of the many immigrants to the United States from around the world who came before me seeking freedom, refuge and the right to speak out without fear of persecution.”

Ms. Hirsi Ali has authored numerous books and essays to include Infidel, her autobiography, and The Caged Virgin; An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam. She’s currently working on another book, Shortcut to Enlightenment, an imagined philosophical fantasy about a visit by Muhammad to the New York Public Library in which he examines the ideas of various Enlightenment philosophers and compares them to the state of Islam today.

More: - USCIS -
Zo maakt Elsevier van
onder de bescherming voorzien door de VS grondwet
"to the protection provided by the U.S. Constitution "
met de bescherming die de Amerikaanse grondwet biedt

Vertaald het overgolft met overweldigd,
stam is geweld en niet welle.

Vervuld niet in "filled with great pride"
doch "grote trots" terwijl eer misschien beter is en
"overwhelmed with emotions and filled with great pride
and gratitude to be counted as one of the many immigrants"
"overweldigd te zijn met emoties, grote trots en dankbaarheid
om tot een van de vele immigranten in dat land te worden gerekend"

En helemaal achterlijk, geteld te worden als een, "to be counted as one"
in "tot een te worden gerekend "terwijl uit
"to the United States from around the world who came before me seeking
freedom, refuge and the right to speak out without fear of persecution.”
erbij telling blijkt en niet gerekend in de betekenis van erbij horen.

't recht zich uit te spreken zonder vrees voor vervolging
"the right to speak out without fear of persecution" wordt in
"die zich hard maakt voor het vrije woord zonder angst voor vervolging."
omgefantaseerd door implementatie van cliche combinaties
"vrije woord" wat anders is dan uitpreken ( speak out / spreek uit ) en
hard maken voor wat iets dat nergens in de oorspronkelijke tekst voorkomt.

Ook bezit men de achterlijkheid het woord "statement" van stellen,
stelkunde, ik stel, zij stelt, hier zij stelde kort te vertalen als toelichting.

Oplichting zullen ze bedoelen en taalvervuiling is het!

Verder vervolgd de Elsevier over het opzetje van Publieke Omroep
voor het Staatsteevee Zembla dat een Minister noopte als een wulpse
secretaresse van ex IND directeur Nawijn, waarvan zij bij aantreden
het dossier overnam, op te treden door Hirsi binnen 3 dagen vogelvrij
te verklaren door intrekken Nederlandse Nationaliteit en dit schrijven
zelfs per motorordonnance op de 11e verdieping van de woontoren aan
het Burgemeester Monkeyplein, zijtak Haagse Beek maandagavond 15 mei
liet bezorgen, wetende van Zalm c.s. dat Hirsi op 16 mei haar verklaring
zich niet verkiesbaar te stellen voor de a.s. verkiezing al gepland had,
opdat deze Verdonk actie de gewenste publiciteit voor de trol-wijf Rita
van de Volks Vrouwen Domheid partij VVD aanhang zou opleveren;
Anderhalf jaar geleden besloot het voormalige VVD-Kamerlid uit de politiek te stappen om in dienst te treden van de denktank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) in Washington waar zij tot op heden werkt. Daarna kwam zij onder vuur te liggen door een Zembla-uitzending die aantoonde dat Hirsi Ali gelogen had bij haar asielaanvraag in Nederland in 1992. Dat ze bij aankomst had gelogen over naam, leeftijd en woonplaats bekende ze al eerder, zowel tegen de top van haar partij als in interviews, onder meer in het praatprogramma Barend en Van Dorp in 2004.
Op dit moment is de 37-jarige Hirsi Ali bezig met haar boek Een korte weg naar de Verlichting (Shortcut to Enlightenment) die een filosofische fantasie beschrijft van de profeet Mohammed die de Openbare Bibliotheek van New York bezoekt en verscheidene verlichte filosofen onderzoekt om ze te vergelijken met de hedendaagse islam.
Waarmee de infantilisering en volksverlakkerij bij dit Rechts Nationalistische lijfblad
voor de VVD doelgroep "de Elsevier" compleet is.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ghostwritten memoir ???

Recently the distinguished and courageous Ayaan Hirsi Ali has engaged 
in a polemical exchange with Ian Buruma and others concerning whether 
the problem is in the very nature of Islam, or in the way it is too-often 
taught and practiced today.

Ian Buruma and Timothy Garton Ash, both important liberal writers, 
attack what they see as the overconfrontational position Hirsi Ali
has taken towards Islam. Garton Ash has used the analogy of the fight 
against communism. In order to win against the old ideological monolith, 
he argues, it was no good relying on conservatives. Instead, you needed 
alliances with those who had some share in the system—leftists and 
ex-communists—to generate its antibodies.

By this argument, Islamist ideology needs to be opposed by Muslims 
of faith rather than atheists. But for Hitchens, this means that Garton Ash 
would rather enter into a pact with “moderates” whose beliefs he cannot share, 
than with a woman whose secularism is much closer to his own. 
Source: prospect magazine may 2008 Alexander Linklater on Christopher Hitchens

From the Avant Garde of the Apocalypse:
Buruma does not disguise from us the unattractive side of a modern 
nd extremely liberal western society such as Holland’s. Returning to live 
a few months in Amsterdam, he stays in a house in the famous, or infamous, red-light district:
The virtually naked “window prostitutes,” from all the poor countries in the world, pose in their dimly lit rooms along the canal, in old houses decorated with gracefully carved seventeenth- and eighteenth-century gables and neon signs offering live sex shows. It is easier in that part of town to buy a large electric dildo than a newspaper.
This is not attractive, to say the least; and it is hardly surprising that some reflective young men, with the normal frustrations of youth as well as the difficulties of being not fully at ease in either society, Dutch or Moroccan, turn to a doctrine that seems to them to solve all social and personal problems at once and gives them besides a powerful sense of mission and purpose.

Buruma is quite clear about the absurdity of Islamism as a doctrine। Its intellectual nullity is patent. He lets Islamists and their sympathizers speak for themselves, and perhaps the most startling moment comes when one of his interlocutors, by no means the most stupid, objects to the slaying of Van Gogh because it was done during Ramadan.

In his nybooks World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism review Ian Buruma
His Toughness Problem—and Ours Volume 54, Number 14 writes about "ghostwriters" of Mad. Hirsi Ali;
woman, whose skillfully ghostwritten memoir, Infidel, has attracted a great deal of attention.
Mademoiselle Ayaan herself however has said at a book-presentation event "I told the book", (see AEI for pub. policy Web Site aei.org for video). Furthermore Dutch public broadcast NOVA has shown her on TV during a talk with the woman, not in the picture, who wrote out her tapes to transcripts.

Infidel is also available on 17 Hours of 14 CD's with narrator being Ayaan Hirsi Ali herself
but Buruma still claims Hirsi is reading other peoples stories fabricated for her.

Buruma's observation as if her story is a fabrication, a "skillfully ghostwritten memoir" 
is therefore not supported* and only intented to discredit and demonize Hirsi Ali through assigning and presuming the skills of a ghost writing the memoirs for her and aims to please only an audience who wish a black woman not to think for herself and still believe in ghosts as part of their religious canon.

Socrates spoke of his deamon, Mohammed talked with Gabriel, but Satan speaks throught Ayaan!* and accessable via the public internet; Video & sound tapes bookpresentation at एई.org plus via uitzendinggemist.nl the public television broadcast database.

Buruma also copies from a Dutch moslim's newspaperarticle "his" critic and interpretation of "de groeten, dan." spoken by Hirsi Ali when a women walked away during the filmed showing of the 11 minute movie Submission; When it was screened for a small audience of Islamic women at a Dutch shelter for abused women -- and you'd have to figure this would be her core audience -- they were appalled, not inspired. The screening was filmed for television, writes Buruma, and when one of the women stressed her objections, Hirsi Ali dismissed her with a wave of her hand and, "So long, then."

"It was this wave, this gentle gesture of disdain, this almost aristocratic dismissal of a noisome inferior, that upset her critics more than anything," he writes.

The movement was simply a sort of high five by Hirsi Ali to the Turkish? women who pasted behind her while Ayaan remained seated during this NOVA TV शोतिंग विदेओतापेस

This Buruma just takes an observation from a moslim political activist who writes a piece
about the video shown on Dutch Public Television Broadcast for the "left" winged political
correctness reinforcing newspaper "de Volkskrant" to ventilate his dislike of Africa's born 
upper ten thousand. He just her-ein-intepreteert and psychologizises his fantasies just like
other populair journalist Geert Mak was told by his publisher to write about, after notecing
that at the bookfair in Paris books like that sold so well in the Fremce language and sofar
beside Huizinga, who makes sense, not prior available in de Nederlandse Taal. 

This has noting to do with inability for proper African tribel sign-language reading but just stupidity of islamists and their agents like Buruma who thinks like already in a theocraty or caliphate telling women how to behave;

"...recently, a female professor was expelled because her wrist had shown from under her sleeve while she was writing on the blackboard.

Yet, while these measures are meant to render women invisible and powerless, they are paradoxically making women tremendously visible and powerful. By attempting to control and shape every aspect of women's lives--and by staking its legitimacy on the Iranian people's supposed desire for this control--the regime has unwittingly handed women a powerful weapon: every private act or gesture in defiance of official rules is now a strong political statement. Meanwhile, because the regime's extreme regulation of women's lives necessarily intrudes on the private lives of men as well (whose every interaction with women is closely governed), the regime has alienated not just women but many men who initially supported the revolution..."

Giving meaning to non-verbal communication is normal to this leftlist inquistor...

He is also reducing Hirsi Alis live events to planned carriere job-hopping moves;
Since she renounced her Muslim beliefs to become an atheist and a defender of "Enlightenment values" against Islam, she has been taken up by neocons and neoleftists as an iconic figure,
This bunch of U-turned ex-luny lefties welcom idols and want to rescue this lady in distress and runaway bride against the Dragon of Islam and it's vampires to show off their civility. Or does she only goes so well with the interior woodwork at AEI?
Ayaan pictured expressing masculinity by showing fake Pharaonic beard or holding invisible mask?

Buruma disqualifices himself from being a scholar and undermines the rest of his dualistic pro or contra interpretation of islam reformism figures;
The problem in these feverish times with discussing a figure like Ramadan is that he has become a lakmoes test rather than a thinker, a test of whether you are friend or foe. Another public figure who plays this role is in many ways Ramadan's opposite, the Somali-born former Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Since she renounced her Muslim beliefs to become an atheist and a defender of "Enlightenment values" against Islam, she has been taken up by neocons and neoleftists as an iconic figure, described in The New Republic Online as "the most courageous and remarkable woman of our time."

She is indeed a courageous and remarkable woman, whose skillfully ghostwritten memoir, Infidel, has attracted a great deal of attention. Her views on the oppression of women in the name of Islam are admirable, and I share her conviction that liberal democracy should be defended against violent intimidation. But atheists, especially after conversion from religious orthodoxy, tend to retain some of their old zeal. This rather limits Hirsi Ali's influence over Muslims who are trying to find a place for their faith in a modern democracy. Dogmatism also leads to errors of judgment, for example when she recommends backing the Turkish military against the democratically elected Turkish government, just because it is led by an Islamic party. To point this out is not the same as placeing her on the same moral or political level as the violent zealots she opposes. And it should not be a reason to denounce the critic as an implacable foe not only of Hirsi Ali herself, but of free speech, democracy, the Enlightenment, and so forth. Like Podhoretz's description of the US press as pro-Islamic, such a conclusion can only be drawn by fanatics.

If the key word in Podhoretz's political writings is "tough," the word most favored by the neoleftists is "courage." To criticize Ayaan Hirsi Ali is cowardice. To denounce Tariq Ramadan is an act of courage.
Atheism compaired with a monotheistic heathenism as the islam God the Greatest, Allah Akbar, is also a believe namely not to assume an Almighty male cosmocreator and not f.i. cosmocreatrix Allat bint Alla. Besides why would their Allah speak when Moses saw the scriptures like fire on coal as the rabbies tell.

Hirsi Ali has no infuence on moslims this Anglo-Dutch writer claims.( So political not interesting... )
Ramadan, a Egyptian aboriginal the likes of him still pictured on the ancient tombwalls, however stems from a family of Geneva based Egyptian bankers, pays no tax in the UK and makes his money by selling tapes in Arabic & Frence for the illiterate and functional an-aphabethic in the Roman/Latin ABC as well amongst the 20 to 30 miljoen moslim masses in Europe and gets paid by Universites to lecture on "European Islam" and British governement for "advice" as well.
This to prove islam is an European religion, since Adam was a moslim too.

Germany alone with 3.000.000 moslims has more than the PEW count
of 2.340.000 or so for the USA. France with 5 to 6 miljoen stores twice
the amount of the complete North America, including Canada.

The Netherlands contain almost half of the total amount of the USA.
And it has only 16 mlj! Taken into consideration the Belgium muslim
organisaties have been overtaken by French speaking islamists a full
moslim count of the old 17 US lowlands execedes the US of America.

Ramadam is interwoven with various institutionalized political islam
facilitating ngo's and after "representation verification" by the State
moslimorganisations and the gov't even appointed moslimexecutieves!
They fit in the Belgium laws for "Kerkfabrieken" or Church Factories
or Blake's dark satanic mills and now the archbischop of Cantenbury
hopes the revieve the shar'ia slave state and dreams of burning into
human flesh "society" again, property of the Anglican State Church
and trade with the conquerer of space Arabs the defeated nations again.

Frere Tariq got paid advising the Blair Administration in England and gets
his money from the Erasmus University for islam classes thanks
to a grant from the city of Rotterdam for "moslim integration".

The Roosevelt Aministration decades ago also spent fortunes on a renaissance in islam
and the father of Ramadans mother had a dinner at the White House governement.

Imams in France say if you don't give us Euro's we will unleash the hordes
or les enfants terrible and refuse to control their youth.

Still the left teams-up with the political islam machinery to overtrow any people's
democracy and replace it with islam-nazism.

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