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Why information about Ayaan Hirsi Ali ? Aha krijgt telkens veel media aandacht, op tv, in de printmedia, tijdschriften en was/is de meest geciteerde nieuwe politica. Het is grappig om de verspreiding van informatie over het internet per nieuwsfeit qua snelheid en hoeveelheid te vergelijken. Cher Ayaan, Je vous prie de trouve annex;

Monday, August 28, 2006

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a resident fellow at AEI.

Founding fathers of modern Philosophy Voltaire and Erasmus Are Spinning in their Graves.
American Enterprise Institute, 1150 17th St., NW; 202-862-5800; aei.org est. 1943 What it is: Public-policy think tank, one of Washingtonian GREAT PLACES TO WORK and concentrated power. Number of employees: 142

The Religion of Our Founders Among the 89 signers of the Declaration and/or the Constitution, nearly a dozen had studied theology, were ordained ministers, were preachers though not ordained, were chaplains to a militia unit, or were officers of national Bible societies and the like. Historians of the last hundred years have been remiss in their study of the religion of the Founders. We urgently need good studies of all of them, if we wish to have a fairer idea of the faith of the Founders.

Pdf doc at As Thomas Jefferson famously opined, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”

Jefferson was in good company, with founders like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Benjamin Rush repeatedly uttering similar sentiments. Jefferson’s admonition that freedom and education are interconnected is especially timely in a world where religious
questions are interwoven with international relations
, where observers on the right and left worry about a coarse and fraying culture in which individuals use the web to form virtual communities of the like-minded, and where debates about assimilation and cultural conflict routinely lead the evening news ...

mad cover
Women the Future of Freedom

Let us suggest, for starters, studies about the depth of the Christian faith of George Sherman; Samuel Huntington; William Williams; the Carroll cousins Charles, Daniel, and John; Hugh Williamson; Robert Treat Paine; William Paca; John Dickinson; Rufus King; William Livingston; John Hancock; Benjamin Rush; Patrick Henry; James Wilson; and George Mason. Evidence does suggest that Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and James Monroe may have been the least religious of the top 100 Founders. James Madison is harder to be exact about, without a very close study, because many of the motives for his initial resistance, as president, to pay for chaplains for the military, or to issue thanksgiving proclamations, were themselves religious. He feared that government would corrupt religion.

From the washingtonian.com GREAT PLACES TO WORK American Enterprise Institute
What it is: Public-policy think tank. Number of employees: 142.

Interesting perk: A top-floor dining room with waitstaff serves three-course gourmet lunches for $4, 50-cent breakfasts, and free muffins and cookies.

Perhaps it’s no surprise that at a right-of-center think tank, the healthcare plan is structured with a good dose of personal responsibility. AEI employees can choose one of three coverage options—two of which provide incentive to monitor medical spending, as the employee gets money back if a certain deductible is not met.

AEI, founded in 1943, is one of the country’s oldest think tanks. It researches everything from trade to social welfare to tax policy. Among its 55 scholars and fellows are such conservative icons as Lynne Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Irving Kristol, and Richard Perle.

“AEI is a very stimulating intellectual environment,” says research assistant Bryan O’Keefe. “This is an excellent atmosphere for somebody who cares about big ideas.”

It’s a policy wonk’s dream. Employees can get free books written by its scholars, and there are frequent lectures and panels. People may spend the day thinking and reading.

There are less-scholarly pursuits: weekly happy hours, an annual black-tie dinner, a Fourth of July party on the roof, and a softball team whose name is decided each year by a contest. This past summer the name on players’ T-shirts was the Nationalists; last year, the Preemptive Strikes.

Like most think tanks, AEI has a barbell-shaped workforce—scholars at one end and, at the other, young staffers who stay a few years and then move on or go back to school. It’s rare for a research assistant to be promoted to scholar, but AEI offers a chance to meet big names and count them as references. “AEI is a great place to launch a career,” says executive vice president David Gerson.

In another nod to personal responsibility, AEI rewards merit, not tenure, with raises of 0 to 30 percent.

In 1943, Lewis H. Brown, then chairman of the board of Johns-Manville Corp. formed the AEI. The think tank was created to serve as a platform for policy recommendations that serve the interest of America’s largest industrial concerns.

Today, the AEI’s Board of Trustees still lists representative magnates from the traditional manufacturing, transportation and natural resource sectors such as: Lee R. Raymond, vice chairman, chairman and CEO (Retired), Exxon Mobil Corp.; John V. Faraci, chairman and CEO, International Paper Co.; Martin M. Koffel, chairman and CEO, URS Corp.; John A. Luke, Jr., chairman and CEO MeadWestvaco Corp.; and William S. Stavropoulos, chairman, Dow Chemical Co.

Nevertheless, over the years, financial services, health and pharmaceutical concerns have taken up a greater share of the seats on the board of trustees. To those with an interest in insurance, it is difficult to look past the name of Edward B. Rust, Jr., chairman and CEO, State Farm Insurance Companies on the list of trustees. The financial services sector also lists AEI board members like Harvey Golub, chairman and CEO (Retired), American Express Company, among others trustees. With regard to health care financing and pharmaceutical perspectives Wilson H. Taylor, chairman emeritus, CIGNA Corp.: L. Ben Lytle, chairman and CEO, AXIA Health Management, LLC, and Raymond V. Gilmartin, special adviser to the executive committee Merck & Co., Inc.

Traditionally, the AEI has favored candidates for its board and officer positions who hold both governmental experience and/or impeccable political networks. At least two former Treasury secretaries, William Simon and Paul O’Neill, have served on the AEI board. So has Vice President Richard Cheney.

The prototypical AEI activist might be the group’s current president, Christopher DeMuth. He served as staff assistant to President Richard M. Nixon (1969-1970) and then moved to the Office of Management and Budget. Two years after leaving the WhiteHouse, his formal resumé picks up as an attorney for a lobbying law firm. During the Carter Administration, DeMuth worked for transportation concerns. In 1981, he became executive director of a presidential commission on deregulation. He became president of the AEI in 1986, where he also served as editor of a journal advocating business deregulation.

DeMuth’s direct interest in insurance seems to have taken off in a big way when he was named to the board of the Insurance Services Office (ISO), serving from 1992-1996. Since 2004, DeMuth has served on the board of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.

With assets, experience and power of the type that the AEI commands, the think tank has grown accustomed to winning.

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Ayaan's American Enterprise

Le 11 septembre 2001, à Amsterdam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali se trouvait à son bureau dans un think tank (organe de réflexion) du PvdA (Parti du travail, social-démocrate). 9/11 AHA at her desk in the WBS the thinktank / sciencebureau of the leftwing "labor" Partij vd Arbeid.

Quand le second avion s'écrasa sur le World Trade Center, Ayaan, Hirsi Ali fit une prière: "Dieu, faites que ce ne soit pas un musulman qui ait fait ça". When the second plane crased into WTC she tought, don´t let it be a musalman who did that.

It is in Europe that Hirsi Ali is needed, and events like her exile continue the perception that the stage is set, and all that the good people in Europe can do now is to get out.

Internet triple fly by;
Shame on Europe for losing her.

Europe is facing the approching bull of political Islam in her own arena with the
only chance is jump on it´s back to avoid his horns from Antalolia to the Rif at Magreb.

The New Islam Foundation Canada is concerned about joys of Islamic extremists on support of left progressive scholars and media from all across the world. Now some of the politicians of western world start showing alliance with Islamic extremists on the name of multiculturalism but actually for the sake of increasing vote bank.

The departure of Hirsi Ali is actually a loss of Holland and victory of Islamic extremists.

Some bloggers f.i. Ayan Hirsi Ali I want to marry you are thrilled at the news that Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali moved to the United States whilst others like William A. Mayer Editor & Publisher of PipeLineNews.org are not. This publisher of Pipeline News still in his pajamas lifts elements out of context to fit his pre conceptions of the moral statue of trainees at AEI naming it Ali Enterprise Institute. Surely a victim of the loony left desorientated U-turning neo-con's.

Directorial Endangerment? PipeLine News urges the American Enterprise Institute to withdraw its offer of employment to Ayaan Hirsi Ali for ethical issues regarding her film Submission and its sequel.

WA Mayer has sent "An Open Letter To The American Enterprise Institute, Regarding Ayaan Hirsi Ali" on August 21, 2006 - San Francisco, CA with quotes from the open letter by Ebru Umar a month after the death of Theo van Gogh that got rejected by the NRC newspaper due to being a women's disput amongst former friends unsuitable for publication since Ebru cursed the day she gave his mobile phone number to Aya a.k.a. Aha.

See Ebru Umar: Colums Propria Cures open brief aan Ayaan, die geweigerd werd door NRC redacteur Wim Weenink omdat het een onderonsje* zou zijn tussen twee vriendinnen ebruumar.nl *entre Nous an Anglais? inbetween, amongst equals/friends.

So Erbu sent hardcopies of the student magazine Propria Cures 06-12-2004 with on the cover her column, a open letter to Ayaan, to the 150 Members of Parliament plus 30 ministers and secretarians of State by reduced Christmas tarif snailmail and got invited by Minister Rita Verdonk for a chat five months later who had it on her desk.

In this artikel she repeats as utterted in sept 2002 "Rondom tien" live TV about Hirsi Magan being Ayaan´s real name and lied for using Ali. This same Minister outlawed Hirsi Ali for questions about her identity only after a letter from 1 of the 149 members of parlement may 2006.

Is Mayer questioning ethical issues or worried about the AEI funding over 19 years of 42 mlj being the twice 20 mlj the Jezuit crucifixed Georgetown uni and Harvard got from a Bin sjeik to promote the Nations of Islam ?

He names Dutch writer Leon de Winter to be the mysterious director of Submisson part II involved in numberous lawsuits with alleged would be anti-semite, the late Theo van Gogh who on a july afternoon shot Submission part I, his 11 minute swan song.

De Winters´s response at the German newspaper die Welt.de hosted betalog The Free West;

"In a so called 'open letter' to the American Enterprise Institute a certain William A. Mayer writes about me that Ayaan Hirsi Ali did not wanted me to direct Subsmission - which is total bull.... We never discussed the question who should do it, and if she had asked me I would have refused. I don't direct anymore. The most damagaing statement by Mr. Mayer is that I am supposed to direct Submission II" So far the west free blog mr mayer nonsense

More on Ayaan's American Enterprise

Around two dosen former institute for public policy scholar comrads are presently State employed under the Bush jr Administation, grandson of a mayor shareholder of the Thyssen Bank Rotterdam founded because the German Kaiser was forceing the steelindustry to buy war-bonds to raise money against the bolsjewiecks. See libery of congres loc.gov or so.

When Americans want to pick fruit, they chop the tree;

The American Congress so We the people of the united States of America paid the Hilter Nazi Germany regime from 1933 to 1942. He even named his train America. This dictator is much admired by the wasp youth of Amerika for his leadership. Why they do not like Saddam Hoessain, also paided by the USA but he wanted Euro's for oil and not Dollarim so the army had to go to war to sell the remaining oil to India and China for the next 20 or 40 years in dollars so the dollar would remain a first class acceptable currency and not kladeredatz on the fed's intrest staircase.
